For someone who has never technically committed murder herself, The Young and the Restless’ Victoria (Amelia Heinle) has a knack for being around when a homicide is committed, and at her home no less.
Fans will recall that it wasn’t that long ago when Victoria’s villainous ex-husband, Ashland Locke (Robert Newman), was murdered in her living room. He showed up at her house seeking revenge, and Nick (Joshua Morrow) came and saved the day, accidentally killing him in the process. Thanks to Victor (Eric Braeden), no one in the Newman family was ever tried for a crime.
Now while J.T. (Thad Luckinbill) wasn’t technically killed, it’s worth mentioning that Nikki (Melody Thomas Scott) thought she killed him at Victoria’s when she stepped in to save her daughter and hit him over the head. That turned into a months-long saga that ended with J.T. literally resurfacing from the shallow grave Nikki, Victoria and their co-conspirators put him in.

That all brings us to the present. In The Young and the Restless episode airing on February 22, Victor shares with Nick his plans to get Claire (Hayley Erin) released from the mental facility and remanded into Victoria’s custody. Essentially, Victor wants to use his granddaughter as bait to further lure Jordan (Collen Zenk) out of hiding so he can deal with the Newman nemesis once and for all.
Victoria is likely to be furious with the plan, but considering what Victor wants he usually gets, we expect Claire to be moved into her mom’s home sooner rather than later, with Victor’s security team in place. Additionally, unlike the plan to use Nikki as bait, which we think will be disastrous for the Newman matriarch, we think Jordan may actually seek out Claire at Victoria’s.

If our hunch proves correct, we think an epic showdown may occur, ending in Jordan’s death. Let’s be honest, Jordan keeps going after the Newmans and prison has proven to be no match for her, so her time on the show is likely only going to come to an end with her death. We have a hunch as to who will murder Jordan (cough, cough Victoria), but we will have to wait and see how that plays out.
Should Jordan die at Victoria’s house, we have to wonder if three is really the charm and Victoria decides to finally be in search of a new home. The real estate market can’t possibly be so bad in Genoa City that she can’t find less homicidal accommodations.
New episodes of The Young and the Restless air weekdays on CBS. Episodes become available to stream on Paramount Plus the next day.