I agreed wholeheartedly with Chitra Ramaswamy’s thoughtful article on embracing the need to give up flying away on holiday (Now, more than ever, I understand the need to get away from it all – so why don’t I miss flying?, 1 June). However, she should consider alternative opportunities for holidays in the UK.
If it’s travelling almost-abroad you’re looking for, the answer is under your nose: the Isle of Wight has a delightful climate, beautiful scenery and beaches, and everything you need for a summer break. We’re accessible by public transport, ending with a ferry, which in itself feels fairly exotic. OK, it’s not a Maldivian atoll, but we know how to look after visitors, and we can definitely do better than a bag of chips and midges. We have renowned restaurants and a local foodie culture to die for.
So, Chitra, don’t mourn the loss of sunny holidays in far-flung locations. Bring your son, bring your staffie, and come to our island.
Virginia Orrey
Cowes, Isle of Wight
• Thank you, Chitra Ramaswamy, for opening up the conversation on the need for us all to fly less. There are many reasons to travel, not least to keep in touch with family in far-flung places, but the contribution of aviation to the climate crisis must not be ignored. A slimming down of the industry and the ending of tax exemptions on aviation fuel are hardly going to win votes, but this is a nettle that needs to be grasped. It is heartening that in the absence of policy and direction from governments, individuals may be starting to rise to the challenge.
Cathy Swann
Alresford, Hampshire