All these years we’ve all been wondering how in the heck the Warriors’ offense works.
The team’s system has looked unstoppable for years on end now. And even when it isn’t charged up by the immense star power Golden State has had over the years, the ball still moves in ways that confound everyone.
But we finally figured it out. We finally understand why now. The reason the offense works so well is because, well, the Warriors are actually playing a game of 2k while everyone else is playing normal basketball.
Don’t close this window just yet! I know, I know. Sounds crazy, right? But we have proof! I mean, how else would you explain this ball glitch?
The NBA really needs to patch the teleporting ball glitch pic.twitter.com/6N667R7Q9i
— Jomboy Media (@JomboyMedia) January 4, 2023
Look, the rational response here is that Green threw a bounce pass to Thompson and the camera just missed it. But that’s exactly what they want you to think.
Nope. The ball glitched right into Thompson’s hands. The simulation is simulating. There’s no doubt in my mind about it. The Warriors have been doing it for years. Now, we’ve finally got it on camera.
I think we just caught the NBA’s version of Sasquatch, y’all.
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