Capping off an incredible first six months of 2022, The Walrus won five awards at the 45th annual National Magazine Awards, making the organization the top winner overall. The winners were announced at a virtual ceremony hosted by award-winning journalist and The Walrus contributor Kelly Boutsalis.
“This year has been a time of strong support for our fact-checked, long-form investigative journalism and writing,” said Editor-in-Chief Jessica Johnson. “The range of topics and styles reflected in these awards—and among our contributors from coast to coast—shows The Walrus as a place for writers and photographers to tell their best stories.”
The Walrus had been nominated for 15 awards, and won gold in the Investigative Reporting, Essays, Profiles and Fiction categories, along with a silver award for Long-Form Featuring Writing. This follows an exceptional run of wins this year for The Walrus, which was recognized at the Canadian Online Publishing Awards, the Canadian Association of Journalists awards program, the Digital Publishing Awards, and the 2022 Canadian Hillman Prize for Journalism.
“What an honour to be celebrated by the National Magazine Awards which received over 1,000 entries this year,” exclaimed Executive Director of The Walrus, Jennifer Hollett. “The pandemic has really highlighted the importance of trustworthy journalism that Canadians can rely on. Congratulations to The Walrus editorial team, and the storytellers from across the country who work with us.”
As a non-profit organization, The Walrus thrives on creating in-depth, investigative stories that appeal to audiences in Canada and beyond. The organization would like to acknowledge the support of subscribers, readers, and contributors to continue producing award-winning journalism in print and online.
The Walrus congratulates all the contributors and staff who were nominated and won.
GOLD WINNER for Investigative Reporting / Journalisme d’enquête
“Students for Sale”
Nicholas Hune-Brown
Contributors: Connor Garel, fact-checker; Cornelia Li, illustrator; Daniel Viola, handling editor
GOLD WINNER for Essays / Essais
“Quitting America”
M.E. Rogan
Contributors: Nicole Schmidt, fact-checker; Phil Bergerson, photographer; Carmine Starnino, handling editor
GOLD WINNER for Profiles / Portraits
“Citizen of Nowhere”
Adnan Khan
Contributors: Carmine Starnino, editor; Connor Garel, fact-checker; James Lee Chiahan, illustrator
GOLD WINNER for Fiction
“The Mission”
Troy Sebastian (NUPQU ʔA·Kǂ AM̓)
Contributors: Allison Baker, fact-checker; Jessica Johnson, handling editor
SILVER WINNER for Long-Form Feature Writing / Meilleur article de fond — long format
“Justice on Trial”
Eva Holland
Contributors: Allison Baker, fact-checker; Lauren Crazybull, illustrator; Carmine Starnino, handling editor
Long-Form Feature Writing: 6000+ / Meilleur article de fond : 6000+ mots
“The RCMP Revisited”
Jane Gerster
Contributors: Lucy Uprichard, fact-checker; Paul Kim, illustrator; Hamutal Dotan, handling editor
“Students for Sale”
Nicholas Hune-Brown
Contributors: Connor Garel, fact-checker; Cornelia Li, illustrator; Daniel Viola, handling editor
“Province of No Choice”
Jessica Leeder
Contributors: Allison Baker, fact-checker; Darren Calabrese, photographer; Hamutal Dotan, handling editor
Long-Form Feature Writing / Meilleur article de fond — long format
“Citizen of Nowhere”
Adnan Khan
Contributors: Carmine Starnino, editor; Connor Garel, fact-checker; James Lee Chiahan, illustrator
“Quitting America”
M.E. Rogan
Contributors: Nicole Schmidt, fact-checker; Phil Bergerson, photographer; Carmine Starnino, handling editor
Essays / Essais
“After the Facts”
Viviane Fairbank
Contributors: Lucy Uprichard, fact-checker; Josh Holinaty, illustrator; Carine Abouseif, handling editor
“Private Hands”
Michael LaPointe
Contributors: Lucy Uprichard, fact-checker; Franco Égalité, illustrator; Jonah Brunet, handling editor
Personal Journalism / Journalisme Personnel
“OCD Is Not a Joke”
Lisa Whittington-Hill
Contributors: Tina Knezevic, fact-checker; Tajja Isen, handling editor
Profiles / Portraits
“Meredith MacNeill Has Funny Bones”
Soraya Roberts
Contributors: Sean Young, fact-checker; Kourosh Keshiri, photographer; Carmine Starnino, handling editor
Illustration (incl. Spot & Photo Illustration) / Illustrations
“Justice on Trial”
Lauren Crazybull
Contributors: Natalie Vineberg, art director; Eva Holland, writer; Allison Baker, fact-checker; Carmine Starnino, handling editor