Spring has officially sprung which means it’s time to get some spring cleaning done and the Virgo New Moon 2024 is here to help you with the clean-up.
As we know, New Moons bring fresh energy and the sign of Virgo is all about getting your shit together, so this lunar occasion will bring with it a sense of clarity and peace, but you’ll need to put some work in to get shit done!
Here’s everything you need to know about the Virgo New Moon…

Bunch of Virgo queens. (Credit: Getty)
Virgo New Moon 2024
When is it?
Grab your broom and dustpan, friends! The Virgo New Moon will rise on 3 Sep 2024 at 11:55 am, but you’ll be feeling its energy in the days leading up to that time and for days after.
What does the Virgo New Moon mean for your sign?
Now is the time for you to break free of old patterns, habits and people that no longer serve you and put your focus on levelling up your life. Pay attention for any opportunities for growth and seize them with both hands!
This New Moon will hit you right in the love zone. If you’re single, be proactive and either ask someone out (here’s advice on how to make anyone fall for you, based on their sign), or jump on the apps and get swiping. If you’re taken, use the Virgo organisational energy to plan a sweet date with your partner that’ll blow them away.

Great timing, given that celebrity Taurus Gigi Hadid has just been spotted smooching Bradley Cooper. (Credit: Instagram)
The New Moon will hit in your domestic zone, so take the Virgo energy literally: get cleaning!
You know that sick side hustle idea or that exciting new project you’ve been dreaming of/working on in secret? Now is the time to scream it from the rooftops and start putting those plans in place! Doing so during the Virgo New Moon will help manifest your plans into existence!
My Leo kings and queens always have their eyes on the prize, and the Virgo New Moon will help you focus your attention and find a way to improve your finances. Whether it’s by demanding that promotion, getting that sweet side hustle in order or avoiding spending all your dosh on shit ya don’t need.
It’s your time to shine, Virgo! The spotlight is on you, the energy is yours, and quite literally anything you want is yours for the taking. Whatever that may be, now is the time to go for it!
While the Virgo New Moon is a time for getting shit done, for Librans, it’s actually a time to take a load off and rest and recharge so you can kick butt down the track when you’re at your best.
Your powers of persuasion will be peaking right now and everyone will be eating putty out of your hands (to quote Kath & Kim). While you’re magnetic AF, use this to your advantage by going after what you want with gusto and relying on your charms (and the Virgo New Moon) to win.

Magnetic AF celebrity Scorpio with her hubby Orlando Bloom. (Credit: Instagram)
Keep that Sagittarian archer’s arrow pointed to the heavens as the Virgo New Moon will present you with opportunities to level up your life.
It’s time to plan something BIG — whether it’s a holiday, a money-making venture, or a plot to take over the universe. Whatever it may be, the Virgo New Moon will help you make your wildest dreams a reality.
The Virgo New Moon will present you with the chance to settle any debts or resentments that were hanging over your head.
The get-shit-done planet will shine into your relationship zone and help you find a suitable date or work through a problem that needs solving with a lover.
To see what else you’re in for over the next few weeks, check out your September Horoscopes 2024.
Matt Galea is the Managing Editor of PEDESTRIAN.TV, as well as our resident astrologer. You can find him on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok.
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