It was hard to beat the sunshine on Friday; a perfect day for locals to get their first look at the new 3.5-kilometre stretch of the Fernleigh Track which opened on August 11 that runs along the east side of Belmont from the former end of the track at the old Belmont train station to the Belmont Golf Course on the Pacific Highway.
Nick Chandler of Belmont was riding his new mobility scooter on the track. He pronounced it as "bloody beautiful - better than the footpath".

The new stretch, with two bridges and scenic lookouts for birdwatching, is mostly flat, and certainly scenic. The 400-metre elevated boardwalk over wetland with views to the Belmont Lagoon is a highlight.
Sandra Gray of Swansea and Sarah Kilpatrick of New Lambton had enjoyed a spring lunch at Star Anise on the waterfront along Brooks Parade before taking a walk on the track.
"There's so much nature you can see," Ms Gray said. "I live in Swansea. I didn't even know there was a lagoon in there. I think it's great it's opened that up, too."
"It's my first time, I think it's fabulous," Ms Kilpatrick said.
There are still a few details to be finished on the edges of the trail. And there has been preliminary work on a parking lot accessible from the end of Beach Street on the west side of the track.
David and Elizabeth Jobber of Jewells were checking the track out on Friday, on a spur of the moment decision. The are familiar with the Fernleigh Track section from Jewells to Redhead near their home, but David said, "This is one is a lot more impressive".
Mr and Mrs Jobber both praised the open feel of the surrounds on the new track.
"There are plenty of spots to go to have look-see," Mrs Jobber said.
Jeff Tolmie of Belmont South is quickly getting used to the new track.
"I was just walking to shops and back," he said. "It's quieter than the highway. This is my third time walking it. I've cycled it twice."
Mr Tolmie was particularly impressed with the quality bridges over the two waterways, noting the "tear drop" bridge over Cold Tea Creek was a significant improvement over the old, flat and narrow bridge at the location.
A couple of experienced fishermen carrying buckets of bait from the lagoon walked along a trail adjacent to Cold Tree Creek, only noting their vehicle access had been blocked by stanchions at the new bridge. They weren't complaining.
Another woman was walking along the track, carrying flowers, commenting as she past that the track made visiting the Belmont cemetery easier (the track passes right next to the cemetery along Green Street).
Bev Paterson of Rankin Park was excited to check out the track with her teenage grandchildren along. She had visited the site during construction and was keen to return on her bicycle.
She was also keen for her brother from Terrigal on the Central Coast an avid cyclist, to come up for a ride.
"When you've got someone from Terrigal who wants to come up here...you can see the popularity of it," he she said.
Gina Hayward of Nords Wharf was taking her first bicycle ride on the track, going on a short ride from Belmont Golf Course to Jewells and back.
"I think it's so good for the area to have this option, cause I don't like riding in traffic," she said. "I can come here, enjoy the scenery, not have to worry about cars.
"If you didn't have the track, I wouldn't ride along the highway."