The Vatican has been putting Christmas trees in St. Peter’s Square for 42 years, but this year’s Tannenbaum could land the church on the naughty list.
Environmentalists have appealed to the pope to intercede and prevent the church from chopping down a 200-year-old fir tree that has been chosen as the highlight of the holiday decorations. The 95-foot tall tree, known as the “Green Giant,” is scheduled to be taken down next week and brought to the Vatican. But over 40,000 people have signed a petition urging the church to make another pick.
In addition, residents in the town of Ledro, which is near the forest where the Green Giant grows, are vowing to block the road to protest the tree’s removal.
The protests come despite town officials donating the tree to the Vatican. (Having your town’s tree selected as the centerpiece of St. Peter’s Square is often considered an honor in Italy.)
Those opposed to the tree being taken down are appealing to the Pope’s environmental stance, writing a letter that reads, “It is inconsistent to talk about fighting climate change and then perpetuate traditions like this, which require the elimination of such an ancient and symbolic tree.”
Officials in Ledro say the tree is in a part of the forest that must be felled to correct cultivation—and claims by protestors that 39 other trees would be removed as part of the process were incorrect.
“They are ruining the Christmas festivities just for a plant,” Ledro mayor Renato Girardi told local media outlets. “We only want to donate a fir tree, and I would like to underline that if it wasn’t donated it would end up in a sawmill.”
The Vatican will debut its Christmas decorations, including the centerpiece tree, on Dec. 9.