The highest rated Uber driver in the COUNTRY is from Manchester. Michael Quinn has been working for Uber for seven-and-a-half years having worked as a taxi driver before that.
He has received the most five-star ratings out of any driver across the UK. Among these five-star trips was a recent journey where the 73-year-old rushed a university student with a suspected heart attack to hospital. The wait for an ambulance would have been 45 minutes.
He has now claimed an Uber Hero Award for his efforts in recognition of his achievements with the company.. Michael, who described it as a 'very proud' time in his life, said he is often described as the "best driver" in Manchester by his passengers and that he enjoys being able to "enhance" the days of his passengers.
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“You’re meeting people from all walks of life – different ages, different backgrounds, all with hopes and dreams in their lives and aspirations and worries and anxieties,” Michael said. “It’s marvellous to get feedback from complete strangers with you for such a short time and yet you’re able to enhance their day in that moment of meeting them.
“(I get) comments like, ‘Thank you, Michael, for getting me to the train on time,’ and ‘Yes, you are the best driver in the city!’ It’s a great profession.”

Michael is originally from Liverpool but has spent the majority of his life in Manchester, living just minutes from the city centre. He is said to average around 200 trips while working six days a week from 6am to 8pm. “It was a very proud time in my life, actually,” Michael said. “It was very, very humbling – I just get on with my work and that’s good enough for me, and to be recognised is really fantastic. I think everyone has milestones in their life and certainly this is one for me.”
Talking about last week's incident where a rushed a student having a suspected heart attack to Manchester Royal Infirmary, he said: "The nearest ambulance was 45 minutes away. The university rang an Uber and I was there to take him to an A&E as soon as possible. And keep him calm – because he really was so worried and panicking.”
But not all of his trips are this stressful, with many moments of "beauty". "I always remember this couple I picked up a long time ago now, a very young couple that had just gone to the chippy,” Michael said.
“It was a Saturday night about 8pm, and their evening was going to be in front of the fire with their fish and chips, and each other. It’s always been with me, that experience… how beautiful to see – they had nothing, but they had each other.”
With all these years of experience, Michael has many tips to share for being the top rated Uber driver in the UK. “Your opening words are crucial,” he said. “So are your closing words. Speak whenever you need to speak or what have you, but it’s mainly to make sure that person gets to where they are going from A to B as soon as possible and as comfortably as possible.”
He added that keeping a positive attitude and ensuring your vehicle is clean and tidy can also help to boost in-app ratings. Michael praised Uber for recognising their drivers following Tuesday’s award ceremony.
“It was a great honour and it’s just typical of (a company) like Uber to recognise their drivers in this way,” he said. “Because I have no other companies I’ve heard of that do this. And the customer is so, so, important – that is what I love about Uber.”
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