An ugly dog competition has just found what they believe is the most hideous-looking dog in the UK and if anyone hurts Peggy, I will find them. I will die for Peggy. Peggy is who I live and breathe for.
Peggy, the four-year-old pug/Chinese crested mix, was recently crowned as the worst-looking, festiest, ugliest dog they’ve ever laid eyes on. Honestly, I’m living for the day that Peggy has her comeuppance, grows opposable thumbs, and smites revenge on all who mocked her!!!
Her entry photo featured dear old Peggy donning a pearl necklace and scarf. The eyes? Little black holes. The hair? Barely there. The tongue? As long as my will to live.
Peggy wearing a pearl necklace. Courtesy of IG @chug_life_x
Suddenly, everything is okay in the world.
The organisers at
“We tend to forget Peggy isn’t your standard-looking dog and we are very aware some people would refer to Peggy as ugly,” she said.
“It’s always in a humorous way and we don’t take offence, and neither does she.
“Even though some people find Peggy’s unusual appearance strange, and in rare cases off-putting, and despite Peggy winning the ugliest dog in the UK title, we think she is beautiful both inside and out, and wouldn’t change her for the world.”
Peggy’s owner with her mother, Holly Middleton. Photo courtesy of Holly Middleton.
Okay, now I’m just SOBBING
For her prize, Peggy was awarded a stunnin’ pampering session and a professional photo shoot. Her owner said that afterwards, she felt a lot softer, she smelt a lot better, and her hair was a lot more fluffy.
“But there’s not a lot we can do with the rest,” Middleton added.
Since taking out the top title, Peggy has become a bit of a celeb and has made appearances on many television platforms, including the BBC.
“We could never have imagined that we would discover a star – but that’s exactly what happened when Peggy entered the competition,” the organisers said.
For them, Peggy’s success was a rags-to-riches story.
Peggy before making a TV appearance, courtesy of her owner Holly Middleton.
“She started life as the runt of an accidental litter, and was the last one to be homed after all her brothers and sisters were selected for adoption,” the organisers explained.
But after Middleton saw her, she was completely smitten thanks to her big brown eyes, her little tufts of white hair, and her long tongue falling out to the side. Who could blame her?
“I just felt sorry for her, sat there with no hair and her tongue out.”
She hopes that Peggy’s victory will encourage people to pay more attention to the “little oddities of those dogs left on the shelf.”
Now if you don’t mind me, I’m off to the RSPCA to adopt every ugly dog I can see.
said that once they launched the contest in late 2022, they were flooded with entries that were simply “too cute to be serious contenders in an ugly dog competition.”
“I cannot state seriously enough that we don’t want to see pictures of good-looking, cute dogs,” a spokesman for the company said.
“We want to see pictures of dogs so ugly they make your eyes hurt when you look at them.”
But as soon as they laid their eyes on Peggy, it was game over for every mutt that applied and she was officially crowned the winner.
“Peggy was the exception,” the organisers said.
In a photo , Peggy was pictured with a bottle of champagne and a bouquet of flowers, relishing in her sweet, sweet victory. Go off, queen!!!
Her owner, , had nothing but praise for her pup.
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