In The Trust: A Game of Greed episode 2, the turbulent events of the first Trust Ceremony causes people to open up, but a ranking test plunges everything into chaos as a player turns into a target.
While truths and lies intertwine, here's a recap of what happened in The Trust: A Game of Greed episode 2...
Emotions run high
It's the morning after Juelz's elimination and it's a rather gloomy atmosphere for some in the villa.
Lindsey has a heart-to-heart with Jake, who starts to get emotional about the fragile state of her marriage. Meanwhile, Julie works on gaining Jacob's trust by taking advantage of his crush on her.
At brunch, it seems Juelz's elimination swirls up unwelcome feelings for Simone as she opens up about her messy divorce to Jake and Gaspere.
She tells them that Juelz leaving makes her feel like when her husband divorced her as she admits: "I just felt like I was on this solid ground, and a hole just opened up and swallowed me, and that whole feeling just hit me again. It was like I'm sitting next to my buddy here, and he's not here now. And then, I'm left with a feeling of great loss."
At another table, Julie asks Bryce if he thinks he deserves to be here more than she does. As the pair get into a discussion, Julie breaks down as she talks about her abusive childhood and Bryce comforts her.
Ranking challenge

It's time for another test and host Brooke Baldwin tasks them with lining up in order from smartest to not as smart.
Jake and Julie fight to be ranked the smartest, with Jake coming out on top while Jay put herself as the least smart.
Then they have to get in order based on leadership and Jake gives himself number one spot, while Winnie is second. Still annoyed that Jake thought he was smarter than her, Julie decides to stir up some trouble and insists that Winnie should be before Jake.
Brooke pulls Jake aside and asks him to put the group in order of who he thinks is most loyal to least loyal. He chooses Brian as the most loyal, but tensions rise when he and Julie get into a heated exchange about him putting Bryce as more loyal than her.
While Jake switches the group around, Lindsey ends up annoyed that she is put at the bottom of the line given their meaningful conversation before. Brooke then asks Jake to put himself in the line and he chooses to be second, which garners a negative reaction from the contestants.
Brooke sets him another task to choose two people he wants to send to the vault and he picks Bryce and Gaspere. It's safe to say that some are not happy with Jake's picks!
Tensions rise

Bryce and Gaspare head to the vault where they are given two offers. Offer one is they can each take $5000 out of the Trust for themselves, but they both have to cast a vote for the same person at the next Trust Ceremony and offer two is they can choose to protect one person from elimination at the next Trust Ceremony, but $10,000 will be subtracted from the Trust.
Meanwhile, there's chaos in the villa as Jay and the girls voice their dislike of Jake and an annoyed Julie confronts Jake over the ranking challenge. But the pair make amends and they start flirting as she confesses that they have "real chemistry."
Elsewhere, Lindsey is furious about the ranking challenge and lets off her anger in front of Brian. Jake walks in and apologizes to her, but Lindsey has no interest in what he has to say and storms out.
Bryce and Gaspare return and the group are shocked to hear that they've lost money either way. They then announce that they picked Julie to give immunity to.
The group discusses their hurt feelings to Jake about his treatment towards them. But as Jay confronts Jake over his misogynistic behavior, Simone steps in to defend Jake leaving her furious.
The Trust: A Game of Greed episodes 1-4 are available to watch on Netflix.