Employment platform SEEK has just dropped the top 10 highest-paying jobs in Australia. Spoiler alert: if you’re not already in med school or engineering, you might want to grab some tissues before reading on.
That’s right, SEEK have scoured the job market — AKA looked at a heap of job ads — to find out where the cash is flowing, and trust me, it’s not in the arts or philosophy departments.
So, let’s dive into the world of high salaries and see if any of these careers might inspire you to spiral about every single life choice you’ve ever made!
The top 10 highest paying jobs in Australia that will make you question your life choices
10. IT Functional Consultants – $155,266

IT functional consultants are cashing in $155,266 to turn it off and on again, but with fancier jargon (and I’m guessing a whole lot more knowledge). If you can make “have you tried restarting your computer?” sound like rocket science, you’re already overqualified!
9. Reliability Engineers – $158,347

These type of engineers can rely on being paid $158,347 to make sure things don’t break. Get it? Sorry, crying about how much I don’t make has messed up my humour.
But, on the bright side, if you have a knack for predicting disaster and enjoy always pointing out what could go wrong, this job’s got your name written all over it!
8. Electrical Supervisors – $164,545

Electrical supervisors are shocking their way to $164,545 a year. If you get a buzz from playing with live wires and enjoy protecting your team from upper management’s unrealistic expectations, this job will light up your life! Okay I promise I’m done with the puns.
7. Financial Planning and Analysis Managers – $167,445

Financial planning managers are pulling in $167,445 to tell people people the unsurprising truth that it do be hard to afford anything in this economy. If you enjoy crushing dreams with spreadsheets and have a talent for making compound interest sound exciting, this gig’s got your name all over it!
6. Engineering Leads – $171,441

Engineer leads rake in a tidy $171,441 while playing the role of team babysitter — ensuring projects are completed on time and within budget. Just be ready for a never-ending stream of “Can you fix this?” questions.
5. Engineering Managers – $181,783

Engineering managers are pulling in a sweet $181,783 for the privilege of juggling impossible deadlines, unrealistic budgets, and egos bigger than their paychecks.
If you enjoy being the human shield between upper management and your team’s creative interpretations of deadlines, this gig’s got your name written all over it!
4. Healthcare and Medical Staff Specialists – $222,503

Why can I hear my brown mother yelling at me for not becoming a doctor? These specialists are raking in around $222,503, and for good reason. They provide essential services in hospitals and clinics, focusing on everything from surgery to rehabilitation.
Their expertise is in high demand, and with the healthcare system constantly evolving, their paychecks are likely to keep climbing faster than your blood pressure at a family dinner.
3. General Practitioners – $232,450

General practitioners are next on the list, earning a solid $232,450. They’re the friendly faces we turn to when we’re feeling under the weather, and they have the delightful task of calming me down every time I spiral on Web MD.
The best part? They get to send you off with a prescription and a smile, while cashing in on that sweet, sweet salary. Honestly, if I had a dollar for every time I heard “it’s just a virus,” I’d be rich too!
2. Construction Project Directors – $232,682

Coming in a close second, construction project directors are pocketing a jaw-dropping $232,682. These folks are the masterminds behind large-scale construction projects, juggling budgets, timelines, and a cast of characters that would make a reality show like Married At First Sight look tame.
If you can handle the stress of ensuring that buildings don’t collapse while managing a team of builders who think “on time” means “sometime next week,” this might just be the job for you.
1. Psychiatrists – $236,055

The top dogs taking out the highest amount of cashola are psychiatrists who rake in an average of $236,055. I guess it turns out that listening to other people’s problems really pays the big bucks. I may be completely unqualified but I can’t believe I’ve been doing it for free!
But not everyone is raking it in
While the top dogs are raking in the big bucks, the rest of us mere mortals are on $1,923.40 per week. That’s right, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the average full-time Aussie worker is pulling in just over $100k a year.
If you just looked at your bank account and are confused AF, don’t worry you’re not alone. This figure only accounts for full-time workers. With around 2.7 million Aussies as casual employees — that’s 19 per cent of all employed people — many are juggling multiple gigs just to make ends meet. Freelancers and contract workers are also on the rise, which means the reality for a lot of people is far from that shiny average.
Plus, the average doesn’t seem to keep up with the cost of living crisis. The average Aussie household is shelling out a whopping $2472 per week, which means our weekly expenses are outpacing our income. Which means we’re all fucked, if that makes you feel any better!
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to Google “How to become a psychiatrist in 30 days or less.” Wish me luck!
If you are looking for that career change, find your next dream gig over at PEDESTRIAN Jobs.
Lead image: KUWTK/ Disney Plus YouTube
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