In the 1920s the world was a very different place for women.
It was only a few years earlier that women gained the right to vote and certain jobs were seen as off limits to half the population.
But one Barry woman bucked the trend of the male dominated world she lived in - and went on to become one of the UK's most respected tattoo artists.

Jessie Knight was not a woman to mess with. A former sharpshooters dummy she was shot twice, later shot her husband after years of abuse and was a stuntwoman in the circus.
Dealing in a world full of sailors and jealous rivals, Jessie tattooed across the country for decades leaving behind a vast legacy.
Born in Croydon in 1904, Jessie was the granddaughter of the famous poet and journalist EA Lempriere Knight and was one of eight siblings.

Her dad was also a tattoo artist and a sailor which meant the family travelled across the country.
At one point they ended up joining the circus, where as a teenager Jessie ended up as her dad's sharpshooter dummy that left her being shot twice.

Great-nephew Neil Hopkin-Thomas, who is the longtime custodian of Jessie's work, said: "Her father was a little bit of an adventurer.
"His mother was a famous poet and illustrator and his father was a captain in the American Confederate navy."
After her stint as a sharpshooter dummy, Jessie later went on to perform as a bareback stunt horse rider in the circus.

It's no surprise then that Neil described Jessie as "a real character".
The family ended up in Barry, and when her dad went off to sea she took over his tattoo shop on Thompson Street in 1921 aged just 18.
Neil, 49, of Beddau, said: "She felt like Barry was her real home."
Before taking over the shop Jessie had always been involved in her father's work, and was described by Neil as "always drawing".

Although these days a female tattoo artist isn't anything unusual, in Jessie's world women were more expected to become a housewife than end up tattooing.
Tattoos themselves at the time were often seen as being for criminals, sailors or outcasts.
In 1955 Jessie entered the coveted Champion Artist of All England competition with a tattoo of a Scottish scene on a sailor's back. The piece landed her second place - with first place going to a man.

Many have described Jessie as a "feminist icon", but Neil said his great-auntie never saw herself in that way.
With less choice than today and through word of mouth, Jessie became renowned for her work and style.
Neil said: "I think back in those days, it's not like now where there's a tattoo shop on every high street, everyone knew each other in that world.
"People would talk and it would spread by word of mouth. We even found letters after she died of proposals from men all over the world.
"She was always telling us her little tales and stories. I don't think she saw herself as a feminist icon really, but she was a woman in a tough man's world.
"She had quite a bit to put up with."

But despite the success and her popularity, Jessie's life wasn't always easy.
At the age of 27 she married. Years of abuse followed at the hands of a husband who didn't approve of her profession.
Neil said that Jessie wasn't able to have children and suffered from several miscarriages.
But it all came to a violent end when her husband threw her dog down the stairs.
Neil said: "She pulled out her gun and shot him. He survived - but that was the end of the marriage."
She was also targeted by other tattoo artists who became envious of her success and tried to ruin her reputation.

Neil explained that other tattoo artists would often steal her designs, and others spread "vicious" rumours about her including that she didn't clean her tattoo needles - all "categorically untrue" he added.
Jessie later set up tattoo shops in Portsmouth and Aldershot.

She returned to Barry in 1968 to look after her brother's house while he was out at sea, but continued tattooing right up until the 1980s from home.
She died in 1992 aged 88, leaving behind her life's work that Neil has looked after since.

Neil said: "She was very caring. She did not have any children of her own, but there were eight of them all together.
"They would all go to her for advice or bailing out.
"She was very witty and funny, even in old age."
Some of Jessie's work is currently touring the UK as part of the Tattoo: British Tattoo Art Revealed exhibition.

Derryth Ridge, co-curator of the exhibition from National Maritime Museum Cornwall described Jessie as "a feminist icon - a real pioneer".
Derryth said: "She was incredibly determined, working in a male dominated world.
"She ran her own shop, it was Jessie's shop."

The exhibition is soon to be exhibited in Scotland and later at M Shed in Bristol from March 16.
Derryth added: "She was quite funny too, she was a real strong chracter. Jessie would have been dealing mainly with sailors, she would have had to have been tough.
"I think she felt how people judged her for being a tattooist, but she was great at what she was doing. She was up there with the big boys.
"Her story has been a bit forgotten really. I'm so pleased and so proud that we have been able to share it, and to see it getting the attention it deserves."