There’s a sculpture in Nottingham’s Chapel Bar that perfectly captures the hustle and bustle of our city so well you could actually be forgiven for walking straight past it. We’re talking about the four lanky figures that make up the Quartet Statue, which quietly stands between Angel Row and Upper Parliament Street.
Said to represent the daily passage of people throughout the city, it was inspired by simply watching how humans behave. Its tall, wiry characters are reminiscent of the lithe figures painted by famed northern industrial heartlands artist, LS Lowry. The statue treads an interesting line, by being both wonderfully unobtrusive yet still packing an impact if you stop to look.
There’s a calm peacefulness to The Quartet as they go about their business. One holds the lapel of his shirt, maybe to keep out the cold, another has his hands in his pockets, one is clutching a bag while the final figure holds his arm behind his back.
The bronze sculpture, which stands on a low bronze plinth, was originally on the west side of Old Market Square, where it was unveiled by Princess Anne in 1986. It was later moved around 250 metres to its current home to make way for the construction of the new tram line. The Quartet was commissioned by Nottinghamshire County Council in conjunction with East Midlands Arts. It took seven months to create at a cost of £25,000.
Hilary Silvester, vice chair of the Nottingham Civic Society, said: “I think the sculpture is much more suited to the area it is in now. It makes a really good ‘welcome’ or ‘farewell’ to that part of the city, depending on the direction you approach it.

“It is a very appropriate statue for that busy part of Nottingham as it suggests a more youthful aspect of where we live”.
Hilary praised the statue’s informality and fluidity, saying sculptor Richard Perry had captured a real movement in the figure's stances. She added: “The sculpture does a great job of reflecting the modern life of the city and creates a real focal point for us all.”
Midlands-based artist Richard Perry works across drawing and painting as well as sculpture. His fascinating work can be seen in galleries across the country, as well as in Europe and Asia. Richard is represented by London gallery Brownsword Hepworth, and regularly posts updates on his work on both Twitter and Instagram.
He has exhibited widely, showing his variety of works in many public and private galleries, including at The Hart Gallery Gallery in Linby, Nottingham, as well as at its sister outlet in London.
He has also had work featured at the New Art Centre at Roche Court, Wiltshire, as well as at London galleries Anna Bornholt and the Contemporary Art Society Market.
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