To understand what is wrong with this country just look at the Wimbledon royal box. All the men, including a small boy, forced, on one of the hottest days of the year, to wear ties and jackets. Please could we come into the 21st century?
Marlene Godfrey
Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire
• The various tips about balancing on one leg while windmilling your arms and closing your eyes have been entertaining (Letters, 8 July). A more useful skill to regain would be the ability to put my knickers on while standing up.
Helen Keats (aged 68)
Kingston, Isle of Wight
• “Sit down and plan meals for the whole week,” Sandra Haurant recommends (Food experts’ tips on how to make the best of your budget, 9 July). At the risk of sounding smug, I have to say that I have a record of my menus going back years. I’m still doing it.
Audrey Butler
Cheadle, Cheshire
• Interesting that the new education minister, Andrea Jenkyns, set an example to all pupils with a middle finger gesture to the public – indicating that this is acceptable behaviour (Tory MP says she made rude gesture after being provoked by ‘baying mob’, 9 July). As a previous Ofsted inspector, I clearly missed this in the framework for school inspections behaviour code.
Gary Nethercott
Woodbridge, Suffolk
• By the time Boris Johnson leaves No 10 he will no doubt have secured a book deal worth thousands to write his autobiography. It will of course immediately be installed as favourite to win the Booker prize for fiction.
Steve Clarke
Newport, East Riding of Yorkshire
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication.