* The budget surplus for 2022/23 forecast to reach $233 million and grow to $645 million across the forward estimates
* Total state debt to hit $33.8 billion by 2025/26
* The SA economy to grow by 2.25 per cent each year for the next four years
* Employment growth to remain flat at one per cent across the forward estimates
* Government lending to hit a high of $2.08 billion in 2023/24 before declining to $1.45 billion by 2025/26
* Savings across non-frontline services to boost government coffers by $165 million in the coming financial year, rising to $192 million in 2025/26
* The government to spend $2.4 billion more on health over the next five years, with funding for hospital and ambulance infrastructure upgrades, 350 additional paramedics and ambulance officers, 101 more doctors, 300 more nurses, and 326 hospital and mental health beds
* Another $200 million allocated over the next financial year for COVID-19-related costs
* The return of the Adelaide 500 V8 motor race in December to cost $18 million this year
* An extra $630 million for education over five years, including $208 million for five new technical colleges. Some $2 million will also be spent on a royal commission to examine how to provide universal quality preschool programs for three and four-year-olds
* The government to build 400 homes over four years in a $177 million boost to public housing, including 150 in regional SA
* The cost of building a new hydrogen power plant near Whyalla confirmed at $593 million over four years
* Cost of living concessions to be doubled at a cost of $39.3 million over the next 12 months
* The budget confirms an $18.6 billion infrastructure spend over four years, including $7.83 billion on roads
* GST returns to increase by $900 million across the forward estimates
* Public sector jobs to grow by 1434 by 2025/26