Side-eye Chloe
(Picture: Foundation.App/Side Eyeing Chloe)Remember that meme of the young girl making a side-eye to a camera? She could be about to rake in cash.
Chloe Clem, who is now 10 years old, became a meme aged two when her mother filmed her as she announced that the family were going to Disneyland, only for her to look more confused than delighted.
Now, the mother and daughter have decided to raise money by selling the original image as an NFT, with a bid starting at 5 Ethereum, a form of cryptocurrency that is worth roughly $15,000 (£11,000), according to BBC.
Speaking to the BBC, Clem said that after learning about the NFT market, selling the meme was a “no brainer”.
“It’s a cool opportunity, especially if there’s a Chloe fan out there who loves this meme they’ll be able to own it. Even Chloe has said ‘that’s pretty cool’ - it’s a typical 10-year-old thing to say.”
She added she would like to use any money made from the sale to help pay for her daughters’ education.
“Chloe is like, ‘I’d like to buy a horse, I’d like to build a Walt Disney World,’ but I’d just like to put her through college,” she said.
Chloe is not the only person to jump on the NFT trend in which people can own digital artworks by purchasing them using different cryptocurrencies.
Benyamin Ahmed, a 12-year-old Londoner, created a series of 3,350 emoji-type pixelated artworks called Weird Whales and sold them as digital tokens for £290,000 over the summer holidays.
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Meanwhile, many memes have similarly fetched big money. Bad Luck Brian was sold for $36,000 in March and Overly Attached Girlfriend made $411,000. Not bad.
But this is not as good as the Disaster Girl meme which got $500,000 in an auction in May and Charlie Bit My Finger which made $760,990.
But that is small change compared to Doge which made a whopping $4 million when it was sold in June.
Looks like by smirking, Chloe could have set herself up for life.