John Lewis' sellout Handheld and Foldable Desk Fan is the must-have accessory all of Ideal Home's editors own – and we recommend snatching one up while they're still in stock.
I know what many of you might be thinking – it feels a little early to be talking about the best fans to keep the heat away when the sun is still feeling a little shy. However, given how notoriously unpredictable British weather can be, we think it's better to be safe than sorry and you'll be thanking us later when it does come into use.
John Lewis' handheld and foldable desk fan
The John Lewis Handheld and Foldable Desk Fan is a star buy amongst our editors here at Ideal Home, with many of us vouching for it and giving it only the brightest of reviews.
John Lewis claims that the handheld fan is surprisingly powerful for its compact size and quiet too. It's also rechargeable with 3-speed settings, with its handle cleverly incorporating a fold-out stand so it can be propped up anywhere.
Why our editors can't be without this summer essential
'John Lewis has been selling these ingenious portable fans for a few years now. I know this because I bought a jolly coral-coloured version for my mother in law 2019 and she still uses it every summer. Each year, the brand launches them in a new set of shades... and unsurprisingly, each year they sell out,' says Ginevra Benedetti, Deputy Print Editor at Ideal Home.
'I eventually caved and bought one early last summer to get me through the heatwave in London and I never left the house without it! Buying one of these was easily the best £12 I spent last year and I have recommended it to loads of people since.'

Our Assistant Editor, Thea Babington-Stitt seconds the motion saying, 'I have two of these fans (a white and a teal, so I can make them work with my outfits) and genuinely couldn't cope without them.'
'As well as being great to have on the go and on public transport, they're so useful for holidays. I've had one too many experiences of power outages when trying to sleep in hot countries to not have this propped up on my bedside table ready to go. Plus the battery lasts ages so you don't need to worry about recharging too often.'

It's never too early to ensure that you've got yourself covered when the summer rolls around, because 2023 is only expected to get even hotter due to greenhouse gas emissions pushing up temperatures, according to the UK's Met Office.
With 5-star reviews across the board, this fan is a must-have. It sold out during last year's heatwave, and now that it is back, its demand is still as popular as ever. It's currently listed as a bestseller on the John Lewis website, and shoppers are flooding in.
Don't miss out on snagging one while it's early.