The Science Quiz appears thrice a week in the daily science page. The page is available to read on all days except Saturday in the epaper.
1. What is the term for the human body’s natural response to stressors, which evolved to help our ancestors survive immediate threats but can have negative long-term effects on our health?
2. What is responsible for the ability of some individuals to digest lactose, the sugar found in milk, into adulthood?
3. An organism evolves and adapts over time to better fit its environment. Which scientist coined the term “survival of the fittest” to describe the process of natural selection?
4. ______ theory suggests humans are naturally drawn to specific facial features, such as large eyes and a small nose, which, when combined, create a “cute” or “adorable” appearance in a child’s face and are associated with youth and health. Provide the missing word.
5. Among the genetic variations that have emerged throughout human evolution, one specific mutation has been linked to increased resistance against malaria. Can you identify this remarkable genetic adaptation?
Visual question:
Can you identify the anatomical feature shown by the red arrow? It is a vestigial remnant of a larger ear structure from our evolutionary past. This unique feature is found in approximately 10.4% of the population. Take a closer look and see if you have it too!
Answers to June 15 quiz:
1. Typesetting system designed by Donald Knuth – Ans: TeX
2. System widely used in web servers and mobile devices – Ans: Linux, by Linus Torvalds
3. Platform for version control owned by Microsoft – Ans: GitHub
4. Essay by Eric Raymond that spurred a browser – Ans: The Cathedral and the Bazaar, Netscape Communicator
5. Idea of using simple, cheap tools to develop hardware – Ans: Arduino
Visual: VLC Media player
Today’s quiz is by our reader Anjali Srivastava. You can also submit your quiz if you can consistently get 6/6 right.