Countdown has delighted TV fans, number crunchers and word fanatics for almost forty years – becoming a firm favourite of game show fanatics and easy viewing lovers.
The show started out life in November 1982 as a mild-mannered words and numbers quiz, hosted by the late Richard Whiteley who sadly passed away in 2005 at the age of 61.
In the years since Richard’s passing, Countdown has seen a number of scandals and controversies rock it’s very foundations – with back-stage fights and spin-off shows causing legal headaches.
With current host Anne Robinson preparing to hang up her glasses after just one year as host, here is a look back at some of Countdown's most scandalous moments.

Anne Robinson and Rachel Riley clash
The Weakest Link legend Anne Robinson was announced as the sixth host of Countdown – taking the reigns in June 2021 after The Apprentice star Nick Hewer bowed out following his own nine years of service as host.
However, less than a year after she took to the presenting chair, Anne decided she’d had enough and would be heading out – under a cloud of controversy amid claims she had bitterly clashed with co-presenter Rachel Riley.
Reports last year erupted that Anne and Rachel had not got along – with Anne “growing tired” of Rachel talking with contestants between filming segments and igniting a bitter argument when she demanded the younger stars’ microphone be switched off.
The ladies attempted to deny there was tension – with Rachel claiming on Lorraine: "I mean, no, she's not the cuddliest person in the world but it's just a different flavour on the show now.
"She's making it her own and she's getting some stuff out of the contestants and sometimes it's barbed, sometimes it's funny, it's got a different flavour.”

Susie Dent caught in the middle
With Anne and Rachel making headlines with reports they were at each others’ throats behind-the-scenes, poor Susie Dent found herself caught in the middle – and with a front row seat to the tension.
The dictionary corner star – who has been on Countdown for 30 years, having joined the series in June 1992 – admitted that Anne was “hard to please” and had shaken up the atmosphere on set.
She told Sunday Brunch in 2021: “Every host brings something different to the show, and I was thinking about this. One thing I’m really noticing with her kind of, under her reign, is we get these mini-interviews that we didn’t have before.”
Sunday Brunch host Simon Rimmer asked Susie outright if it was difficult for Anne to join such a close knit cast and crew on Countdown, who have been working together for years.
Susie diplomatically replied: “Well, hopefully, it doesn’t quite feel like that, but no, you’re right, I mean it’s so established.”

Nick Hewer takes a swipe at Susie Dent
Something of a Twitter spat erupted between Susie and former Countdown host Nick when he made a snappy comment after Susie bid Anne a fond farewell online.
The pair worked together for over nine years while Nick was a host, but a catty comment sparked headlines that there could be tension between the two.
Taking to Twitter in the wake of Anne’s abrupt retirement from the show, Susie wrote: “Some Countdown news. Wishing Anne all the very best in her new adventures with her grandchildren and beyond.”
But Nick accused Susie of brown nosing, tweeting in response: “Well that's a sure fire certainty for Private Eye's OBN [Order of the Brown Nose] award. Bravo Susie!” – with the exchange being branded ‘a dig’ by the Daily Mail.

Carol Vorderman savagely sacked
Countdown arguably would not have been the success it became if it were not for original duo, Richard Whiteley and TV icon Carol Vorderman.
After Richard sadly passed away in 2005, he was replaced on the show by Des Lynam who was the main host until 2006 – with Des O’Connor, who sadly passed in 2020 aged 88, taking over in 2007 until 2008.
But it was then that Carol was brutally elbowed out of her job after being given a savage ultimatum – take a huge pay cut or leave.
Her agent, John Miles, previously claimed to the Daily Mail: “On July 16 my office received the first offer of a new contract from ITV Productions.
“It was a harsh fait accompli – take a 90 per cent cut, you have 48 hours until noon on July 18 to make up your mind. It was a non-negotiable take-it-or-leave-it offer. I discussed the options with Carol but she expressed a desire to stay.”
John went on to claim bosses then made a sickening threat, he claims: “[Then] they said, ‘Countdown easily survived without Richard Whiteley. It can easily survive without you.’ It was that callous.”
While Carol herself later expressed her own outrage, saying: “I was in shock and absolutely distraught at their ultimatum. I had no alternative but to go.”

Weed joke backfired
While Countdown has been on the air for almost 40 years, it has also sparked a popular spin-off series – a mash up with 8 out of 10 Cats which sees comedian Jimmy Carr take the presenting chair while Susie and Rachel also share the stage.
However, Rachel sparked an unexpected backlash while filming an episode of the humour infused spin-off when she shares a snap of her and Susie hiding behind a marijuana plant on the set of the Channel 4 show.
Tweeting a snap, she wrote at the time: “Never thought Countdown would have a doping scandal. Secret's out - we've gone into hiding.”
But the quip angered some fans – with one tweeting in shock: “Is that a cannabis plant?” And another tweeting back to point out: “weed is illegal.”

Career ending cuts
With the 8 out of 10 Cats version of Countdown causing far more chaos than the traditional version ever could, it’s perhaps not surprising that legal issues have arisen due to the risqué version of the show.
Rachel herself confessed that careers could be ended by unaired moments from the show.
She previously said: "Each show takes three hours to record and is cut down to 45 minutes. So the stuff on the edit floor can be even funnier.
"The lawyers have to be involved to make sure some of it doesn't go out because it would end all of our careers."
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