The RSPCA has issued a warning to homeowners looking to deter foxes from their gardens, as using certain methods could be breaking the law.
Along with birds and squirrels, foxes are one of our most popular houseguests - whether or not they are welcome in your garden. While foxes are often pleasant to look at, they can be a menace when it comes to destroying your garden. They can dig up flower beds, go through your bins and use their dropping to mark their territory - and we all want to know how to stop foxes pooing in your garden.
The are plenty of ways to keep foxes out of your garden, however, the RSPCA has warned against using pesticides. Using pesticides is illegal and should be avoided at all costs this is what you should do instead.
The law surrounding foxes

First of all, knowing what the law entails is vital to make sure you don’t break it. The Animal Welfare Act of 2006 forbids the poisoning of foxes and any cases of poisoned foxes can lead to a criminal investigation, fines or even a prison sentence.
‘In worst-case scenarios where foxes are causing a significant disturbance, for example nesting under a home, you can call a pest control service to help remove the animal from your property, but this should only be done as a last resort when you’ve exhausted all other options,’ says James Ewens, Commercial Director of Green Feathers.
Luke Dejahang, Gardening Expert and CEO of Crown Pavilions also states you should never use traps or snares.
Traps ‘can cause injuries and distress to foxes, which you want to avoid,’ he says. Meanwhile, snares are ‘a very cruel method, and can lead to severe injuries or death.’
How to deter foxes legally

Using natural deterrents remains in line with the law and is also an effective method for keeping foxes out of your garden.
‘Homemade solutions like garlic and chilli pepper spray are a great, harmless deterrent for foxes. You can apply these, along with peppermint oil-soaked balls, around the perimeter of your garden to create a barrier and keep foxes out without harming them due to the strong, pungent aromas they dislike,’ says Luke.
One of the most important things you can do is remove food sources. Often foxes roam our garden for food, so getting rid of this incentive is an effective way to prevent foxes from scoping out your garden.
‘Although compost bins are great resources for various insects and your soil, they can also become an all-you-can-eat buffet for foxes,’ says James.
‘Never put cooked food in the compost, and if you think foxes are visiting your garden, stop putting raw food in there too.
Rubbish bins can get very dirty very quickly and give off enticing smells to foxes too. Keep your bins as far away from your property as possible, don’t keep them in direct sunlight, and make sure that animals can’t climb in to get at any potential food waste. If you know foxes are in the area or are having a problem with your bins being raided, then it can absolutely be worth investing in some wheelie bin locks, available on Amazon to make sure they’re kept away.
‘You can also make it much harder for foxes to enter your garden in the first place by blocking up potential entrances, such as gaps in fences or walls. If you can tell where foxes are entering your garden from, you could also plant thick bushes or plants with thorns or prickles that will make it extremely difficult for them to get through.’
Foxes are territorial and often removing one fox, another will take its place. However, following these preventive measures reduces the likelihood of these foxes digging through your garden and disrupting your garden.