While many high streets in Wales have seen dwindling fortunes in recent years, many felt Cardiff's Queen Street might remain the flagship that bucks the trend.
But a recent WalesOnline article explored the downturn on the street once considered one of the busiest high streets in the UK. WalesOnline readers have expressed their opinions on the current state of our capital's main shopping street.
Many people suggested Queen Street no longer looks very appealing or presentable. One Facebook user Rose Thomas said: “I used to be proud of my city, not anymore, it’s very dirty and rundown, needs a good clean everywhere”.
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Another reader, Gareth Jones, expressed some similar ideas, stating in his Facebook comment: “Said this last week, place looks sad. The least they could do is clean the place up especially the empty shops.”

Some readers blamed traffic, congestion, increased fuel prices and parking charges. They suggested that these factors were causing people to stop frequently visiting Queen Street anymore because it was becoming too costly, causing it to become neglected and over-looked because people aren’t visiting anymore.
Kevin Gregory said:“Overpriced parking and 20mph speeds limits with a dreadful bus service, it was inevitable."
Some other readers discussed a similar theme, touching upon traffic and parking chargers and further suggesting that the online shopping industry has become increasingly popular, resulting in people no longer needing or wanting to visit high streets like Cardiff Queen Street.
Facebook user ‘Andrew Clear’ said “It’s easier and cheaper to buy online… before very much longer, City centres, town centres will be a thing of the past!!” Another reader commented similar ideas, stating: “Amazon and Internet shopping, no way back for the high street”
Alex Louise said: "The way we use town centres has changed. It's the same in Chester. Towns have been overdeveloped. People shop at the big retail parks or online. Town centres are places to go out now, with bars and restaurants. It would be better to make city centres smaller but more viable, and create housing in the run down parts."
While Gill Hampson said: "Town is grubby, needs a bloody good clean and need strategic approach."
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