It’s time for the big award shows like the Emmys or the Golden Globes to consider The Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City for an award because the Season Four finale served more quality drama than most television shows to date.
No, truly. It’s been widely discussed that the RHOSLC is a top-tier iteration of the Real Housewives franchise. But since the Season Four finale dropped on Wednesday local time, fans are already heralding the finale as one of the best and most explosive Housewives episodes of all time.

Why, you ask? The finale culminated in one of the biggest reveals of all time with one of the housewives exposed as the anonymous owner of a housewife-centric gossip account Reality Von Tease that had been posting secrets of the RHOSLC cast for three years.
The only other moment from the series that could have topped it was when former housewife-turned-inmate Jen Shah was literally arrested for fraud on camera.
You just can’t make this shit UP. Well, you can, but the reality makes it all the more compelling.
Basically, the real tea overflows when Heather Gay hosts a dinner for the other housewives; Witney Rose, Lisa Barlow, Angie Katsanevas, Meredith Marks and Monica Garcia.
It’s there that Heather revealed the info that sends the ladies into an absolute meltdown.
“Monica is not who she says she is. She’s not our friend. She’s someone that has schemed and worked to infiltrate our friend group,” Heather told the group.
“And the name that you all know her as, the woman whose birthday was celebrated, who we’ve been trying to champion and support and defend is Reality Von Tease.”
In her confessional to-camera chat, Heather said she discovered that the account was originally for “annihilating and exposing Jen Shah” but it soon expanded to share secrets and troll the rest of the housewives in what she describes as “character assassinations”.
While Monica denied being the person behind the gossip account, she later admitted that she had something to do with it.
“Von Tease was never just one person. It wasn’t just me,” Monica admitted in her confessional.
“It wasn’t just me. There were several other humans involved, but bottom line, our mission was to take down Jen. The other women were just collateral damage.”
Juicy, no? Ultimate villain-era shit, right? I’d say Monica deserves a spot holding the biggest snowflake in the opening credits next season after all of the elaborate tomfoolery she pulled in Season Four.
Naturally, after such an iconic episode, fans have gone nutso on social media creating some of the best memes and content known to man.
Please giggle along with me at some of my favourites.
God, wasn’t that fun?
You can watch all the madness of The Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City — or pretty much any Real Housewives series — on Hayu.
The post The Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City S4 Finale Is The Most Chaotic Finale In Housewife History appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .