September 1 marks two firsts for Googong resident Zac Jerrim.
As a dad to an eight-month-old, it's Jerrim's first Father's Day. And as owner to All About Burgers, it's also the first time his new food truck will be dishing up the goods to the public at Googong's KiteFest.

For those who are unfamiliar with Jerrim, or his Instagram account @_all.aboutburgers, the self-proclaimed burger lord blew up on social media after he started reviewing burgers around the Canberra region, and occasionally elsewhere.
And considering the boom in burger offerings in Canberra and elsewhere, that's a lot of content just waiting there to be made.
"It started one afternoon at the pub as a bit of a joke between me and a couple of mates that we'd film me eating a burger and give it a rating," Jerrim says.
"And that sort of turned into weekly content for about two years, where me and my wife just travelled around to different spots around Canberra.
"We actually started to enjoy it, just trying different burgers and really trying to find the best one in Canberra. There was a bit of a gap. There were a lot of people making content about food, but no one really telling you if it's any good or not."
But what started out as social media content has grown into something else - market research.
After Jerrim had the chance of making his own burgers for a charity event, he discovered how much he enjoyed trying to perfect the best burger - something that would perhaps score a 10 out of 10 on the scale he once used to score other people's creations.
The highest-scoring burgers on his list were the double cheeseburger from College Dropout in Melbourne and The Albo, which was a limited edition at Canberra's Capitol Bar and Grill, both of which scored a 9.5.
"I'm a typical Canberran, working in the public service, but my old man was a chef for 40 years, so [I've] sort of always been around that hospitality scene, but never worked a real day in hospitality in my life until now," Jerrim says.
"When it comes to burgers, everyone's got their own sort of take and taste, so you adjust it to how you like.
"Since doing it myself, like you do, [I've] sort of become a bit secretive to exactly how you're doing it. But most people are doing it the same. You can't really reinvent the wheel of the burger."

So it does beg the question, what makes a good burger?
Jerrim has certainly tasted his fair share and said the best of the best usually have one thing in common. They're really simple combinations, made with quality ingredients.
It's what helped guide his free, online recipe book The Burger Diaries late last year. And it's also what was guiding the offering at his recent pop-ups, and now from his food truck.
"For me, it's a hobby and a side hustle, but I've been quite passionate about it, and I think that comes across in the product that we make," Jerrim says.
"And that's the comment that we've had a couple of times from people. I'm quite passionate about putting what I believe is the best burger in Canberra together and serving that on the weekend."
To celebrate All About Burgers' food truck, there will be $10 cheeseburgers on offer at KiteFest, at Rockley Oval, Googong from 11am to 2pm on September 1.