Regarding your article (Longer pre-film ads ‘wasting time’ of frustrated cinema fans, 8 March), you published my letter in 2015 suggesting that cinemas put on adverts after films, so those who want to watch them can stay behind, while those of us who find ads irritating can leave. Ten years have passed, and now is the time to implement my sensible suggestion.
Richard Ross
• I support the aim to purchase UK-manufactured defence systems (6 March), but we need war-winning equipment. For example, the overall capability of the F-35, a fifth-generation fighter, is considerably greater than the Typhoon, a 4.5-generation jet.
Alan West
Labour, House of Lords
• Richard Henderson (Question marks over Europe’s defence splurges, 6 March) asks where the money is going. Into the pockets of American defence contractors and their shareholders, of course, which is the purpose of the exercise.
Helen Marshall
West Clandon, Surrey
• Can I suggest to Mark Holman-Lisney that it wasn’t Babycham that caused the fights he saw as a barman in the 1970s (Letters, 6 March). It was the triple brandies.
Mark Redhead
• What a lovely start to my week, seeing the photo of Miuccia, the whippet that won best in show at Crufts (10 March). Please may we have more cheering photos on your front page in these troubled times.
Helen Evans
Ruthin, Denbighshire
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.