On tonight’s episode of MAFS, someone said the word “schlong” and someone else had a Texas-related anxiety spiral. We’re back, and the good folks of Twitter were ready.
First to the schlong.
Selina and Cody were paired up and their wedding was a glorious evening affair where Selina thought she saw a bonus guest in the form of a possum.
"Is that a possum in the tree?" #mafs #mafsau pic.twitter.com/XWiJ4H3nBe
— AngelFloyd (@AngelFl52452538) February 2, 2022
Brides distracted by tree possums, squinting at each other to try and make each other out….whichever one of you crazy producers at #MAFS came up with this night time wedding idea is a bloody genius! #MAFSAU
— Colonel Kickhead (@colonelkickhead) February 2, 2022
That would’ve so been me with the possum LMFAO #MAFS
— cat (@liampaynester) February 2, 2022
I knew I liked Selina when one of the first things she said to her husband-to-be was “I’m a bit sweaty, sorry”. Same queen!
However the good folk of Twitter were less than impressed when Cody got freaked out by Selina’s commitment-focused questions post-wedding.
Cody get out of town, you came on a show TO GET MARRIED!!! people usually talk about this stuff. He’s just here for the banter at this point, he doesn’t want a wife ???? #MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/qigg0bKi7A
— bbyphat ???? (@fatimadoesstuff) February 2, 2022
Cody: wow this girl I’ve married like wants to get to know me how embarrassing #MAFSAU #MAFSAustralia #MarriedAtFirstSight
— mimi petrakis (@MimiPetrakis) February 2, 2022
Cody has issues with commitment and they've paired him with someone who is excited to be there. This is going to be a train wreck #MAFS #MAFSAU
— SueC (@Ozbird) February 2, 2022
How the fuck is it forward to ask "What would you like out of a relationship?" #mafs #mafsau
— Andy (@Skualg) February 2, 2022
Selina then asked Cody at the start of their honeymoon if he was attracted to her. He paused (!) and then said, “it’s like my schlong isn’t co-ordinating with my head” (!!!).
Just what every girl wants to hear the day after their wedding.
Cody’s emotional maturity is to be admired #MAFS #MAFSAU #MAFSAustralia pic.twitter.com/ySKZKdGcJn
— deadplant15 (@deadplant15) February 2, 2022
“Are you attracted to me?”
“Ah so…”What in the fresh fucking hell. #mafs #mafsau
— Ira Snave (@IraSnave) February 2, 2022
To conclude, MAFS stands for Men Are Fucking Shit #mafs #mafsau
— Andy (@Skualg) February 2, 2022
The other big reacts of the night were to newlyweds Holly and Andrew. Holly believes in manifesting. Andrew is from Texas. This is most of what we know about Andrew and Holly.
Guys I’m starting to think Andrew might be from Texas #MAFS
— Andrew Masters (@Lakitoo) February 2, 2022
Beyoncé is from Texas. That is all. #mafs #mafsau
— Ira Snave (@IraSnave) February 2, 2022
holly acted like she went through war flashbacks at the mention of the word texas #mafs
— teresa (@augustfallin) February 2, 2022
Andrew said in his vows that everything is bigger in Texas cue dramatic pause …. including his heart.
Okay but I legit thought he was going to say everything is bigger in Texas including my dick ???????????? #MAFS
— Calm Tulip (@calm_tulip) February 2, 2022
While in Holly’s vows, she quoted both Michael Bublé and Savage Garden. It was certainly a choice!
No good thing has come from mentioning Savage Garden and Michael Bublè in the same sentence #MAFS
— Melissa Amy (@_maamyau) February 2, 2022
“Savage Garden once said…” LMAOOOOOOO #MAFS
— Fića (@mcfilip) February 2, 2022
She’s quoting Savage Garden?! GIVE HER THE DRAG RACE CROWN NOW #mafs #mafsau
— Ira Snave (@IraSnave) February 2, 2022
True romance, my friends.
At this point in MAFS, we’ve met a load of the couples.
First there’s Tamara and Brent. She had some questionable stuff to say about retail workers, he’s foot phobic.
Stuff of the epic love stories there.
There was also hot single parent couple Anthony and Seline and incredibly horny couple Ella and Mitch.
Truly there is something for everyone.
And if you missed out on the episode and want to relive the thrills and spills, make sure you check out the official PEDESTRIAN.TV recap of Wednesday’s episode here!
The post The People Of Twitter Are Predicting MAFS’ First ‘Train Wreck’ Relo So Choo Choo Chugga Chugga appeared first on Pedestrian TV.