Meghan Markle was being controlled by the palace even as an actress! According to Suits showrunner, Aaron Korsh, he was told to cut a word from the script because the palace didn't want the Duchess of Sussex's character, Rachel, saying it on TV.
"I will say, and I think Harry put this in the book, because I heard people talking about it — [the royal family] weighed in on some stuff," Korsh said in a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter. "Not many things, by the way, but a few things that we wanted to do and couldn’t do, and it was a little irritating."
He continued, "I remember one was a particular line of dialogue and, look, I’ll just say what the line was. My wife’s family, when they have a topic to discuss that might be sensitive, they use the word, 'poppycock.' Let’s say you wanted to do something that you knew your husband didn’t want to do, but you wanted to at least discuss it, and in just discussing it, you wouldn’t hold him to anything he said, you’d be like, 'It’s poppycock.'"
The episode was going to be a nod to his in-laws. He explained, "We were going to have her say, 'My family would say poppycock.' And the royal family did not want her saying the word. They didn’t want to put the word 'poppycock' in her mouth. I presume because they didn’t want people cutting things together of her saying 'cock.' So, we had to change it to 'bulls---' instead of 'poppycock,' and I did not like it because I’d told my in-laws that [poppycock] was going to be in the show. There was maybe one or two more things, but I can’t remember."