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Here is the Nottinghamian from Friday, February 10.
Today's edition of the Nottinghamian takes a look at a "horror show" of repairs taking place at a city bar. Yet, they are still determined to serve their customers as they open tonight.
We will also take a look at two pubs offering reassurance to their customers following the buildings going up for sale. Plus we hear from a Nottingham MP following a cycling accident.
'Horror show'

A Lace Market bar is hoping to reopen its doors tonight - but it won't quite be business as usual. Drinkers visiting Brass Monkey will have to go upstairs to the first floor where they will be served drinks at their tables because the usual bar is out of action.
Repairs to flooring behind the bar turned into a substantially bigger job than expected, forcing Brass Monkey to close for the last three nights. Although not fully back to normal, it will be trading again this evening. Liam O'Brien, a partner at the venue - one of Nottingham's oldest independent bars - said: "It's been a horrible inconvenience and an absolute horror show.
"As someone who likes to see the positives in the negatives it's given me the opportunity to put right any bad work from previously. Sometimes you do these repairs and it gives you an extra three or five years, now I have bought myself 20." Mr O'Brien had been waiting for six months for wear and tear to the non-slip flooring behind the bar to be repaired but it wasn't as straightforward as the contractor was expecting. When the old covering was removed it revealed extensive water damage. Read more here.
Safer roads needed

Nottingham MP Lilian Greenwood has spoken of her ordeal after she was hit by a van while cycling in London. The Labour MP for Nottingham South was cycling from Westminster to St Pancras Station to head back home to Nottingham at around 5.30pm on Thursday (February 9).
She said: "I was on a cycle lane and crossing a junction, the traffic light was green [for her to go], when a van made an illegal left turn into the side street I was crossing and hit me. My back wheel was under his front wheel and I got dragged along the road a few feet until he stopped.
"Luckily I was able to get up and walk to the pavement. People who saw the crash immediately came over to help and were incredibly kind." At the time, Ms Greenwood was wearing her helmet and hi-visibility clothing, and she has since gone to have her injuries assessed. She added: "But even if you take every precaution, as I did - have a well-maintained bike, have good lights, wear hi-viz and obey the rules of the road - you’re still vulnerable to dangerous drivers. We need to make our roads safer so that more people feel able to cycle."
Weather and trivia
Weather: Dry, but cloudy on Saturday, especially for western parts, with the best of any brighter or spells of sunshine breaking through in the east. Lighter winds for most by the evening. Maximum temperature 11 °C.
UV: Low
Further reading: Where is the best place to live in Nottinghamshire? We want to hear from you
Trivia question: Which high tech medical equipment was invented in Nottingham?
The answer to today's trivia question is at the bottom of the newsletter.

The respective teams behind two city pubs have reassured customers that they are not going anywhere. It comes after Nottingham City Council approved decisions to sell the freehold of The Navigation Inn, in Wilford Street at Castle Lock, and The Hole in The Wall, in North Sherwood Street.
Reviewing all council-owned assets was one of the key priorities of the latest Together for Nottingham Plan, as the council works to balance its books and find additional funds to stave off Government intervention, in the form of commissioners. However, the teams who run the two pubs - who each lease the pubs from Admiral Taverns - say they are not worried.
The owners of The Hole in the Wall, Drew Grimshaw and Chris Robertson, said: "We want to reassure all our customers that we still going to be open and continue to trade for the foreseeable future. This auction will not affect the pub in any way until the lease with Admiral Taverns comes to an end. And there’s a fair few years to go before that happens."
The Navigation also continues to run as normal. Pub co-owner Jeanette Hill said: "It's led customers to believe that the pub is being sold or closed down and the situation at the moment is that it's not, it's a pub base that we are working on and it's going up trade wise. The pub is still trading as normal and it will not affect The Navigation for at all for a minimum of 15 years as that's how long the lease is." Read more here.
That's all for today
Thank you for joining me for today's edition of The Nottinghamian. I hope you enjoyed it, and if you did why not sign up to receive it directly in your inbox every weekday by clicking here.
The answer to today's trivia question, which high tech medical equipment was invented in Nottingham, is the MRI scanner.