The first episode of the Neighbours revival dropped last night and fans got a chance to see what their Ramsay Street faves are up to.
If you’re keen on a deep dive of everything that went down, have a peek HERE.
***SPOILERS AHEAD, (obvs)***
But there’s one update to the Neighbours universe that has fans all up in arms.
The episode ended with a cliffhanger that revealed that iconic OG character Toadie (Ryan Moloney) is getting hitched to Rebekah Elmagloglou’s character Terese, who was previously in a committed relationship to long-running series villain-turned-good(ish) guy Paul Robinson (Stefan Dennis).

!?!?!? (Image Source: Neighbours / Ten Play)
As spotted by the Herald Sun, loyal Neighbours fans vocalised their disdain with this update via Elmaloglou’s Instagram page.
“What in the name of Ramsay Street was that?” one wrote.
“Please tell me that ending was just a bad dream or something! Terese belongs with Paul,” another added.
“I’m in shock….. not sure what to think!! My whole day has been thrown up in the air!!!” a third wrote.
This fan revealed that the plot twist literally made them sob and, erm, hope you’re okay, luv.
“I literally just cried at the ending because it feels so wrong. Must have been a massive shock for you when you received the script,” they wrote.
“My heart is actually hurting right now at the thought of Paul and Terese being apart!” another added.
“We saw Toadie and Melanie together, didn’t we? Discussing wedding presents for the happy couple. And Melanie said the groom had been married six times, so it just doesn’t make sense! Paul and Terese HAVE to be together. They just have to be!”
While I may not share their level of emotion for the long-running soap, I have to say, I think it’s kinda cool that they’ve decided to shake things up and throw in a red herring.
Let’s be real, there’s a reason why the show was shitcanned in the first place.
Now that they’ve had the chance to revive it, don’t you think it’d make sense to totally change things around and try shocking new storylines rather than keeping things the same as it was?
Just a thought…
Anyway, if you want to watch the episode and be outraged for yourself, you can get caught up on 10Play.
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