Gone are the days when The Block was about renovating and when Married at First Sight was about love. Now, it seems that My Kitchen Rules has pushed aside its cooking premise in favour of a saucy flirting scandal that rocked the 2023 premiere.
ICYMI: MKR is back, baby, and with it, scrumdiddlyumptious chefs-slash-judges (who could toss my salad six ways to Sunday) Manu Feildel and Colin Fassnidge.
The new season also serves up six new teams, including one duo who seems to have mistaken the home cooking competition for First Dates Australia.
Now, the September 4 premiere introduced us to “feisty friends” Coco and Pearls, who quickly got their flirt on with Anthony, a husband from one of the opposing teams.
TBH, you have to expect some sort of drama when it comes to gals whose names resemble something my seven-year-old self would’ve dubbed a pair of goldfish.
“Have you heard before you look like George Clooney?” Coco asked the “married battler” — although I feel like the only thing he’s gonna be battling this season is come-ons from these two.
“Claim it, own it,” she added before Anthony’s wife, Claudean, dropped the hammer on her.
“Stop flirting with him!” she demanded, and all that was missing was a wine spillage á la MAFS‘ Martha Kalifatidis.
Clauden later poo-pooed the “Barbie twins”, whom she accused of having “stripper names”.
“[They] really got up my schnoz,” she said, and my nose is just itching at the thought of those hair extensions all up in my business.
“I am very direct, I just say it like it is,” she confessed. “I think I’m going to be the most hated woman in Australia.”
In Coco and Pearls’ defence, Anthony does have the silver fox thing going on. Perhaps a little more Andy Garcia than Georgey boy, but I digress.
The gals elsewhere expressed that they’re “strong alpha females” who are keen to “use their looks to their advantage”… in a cooking competition.
Welp, in that case, I’m expecting them to serve up the sexiest damn homecooked meal to ever hit the dinner table. Bon appétit!
The post The My Kitchen Rules Premiere Served Up A Saucy Flirting Scandal & Consider My Potatoes Peeled appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .