Gwilym Birkett is six. He likes music and cycling. But most of all he “adores school” and his friends there. The year one pupil has Down's Syndrome. His parents chose to send him to a mainstream school near his home in the Vale of Glamorgan and say it is the best decision they made.
Gwilym attends St Bride’s Major Church in Wales Primary where headteacher Duncan Mottram said “he’s an asset to the school”. Gwilym’s parents John and Kristin are proud that he has fitted in so well.
Read more: The Welsh woman with Down's syndrome who's won a modelling contract

Their son has a statement of special educational needs and one to one support but does all the things the rest of the children in his class do, only sometimes with adaptations.
“Gwilym absolutely adores school and his friends here,” said Kristin. ”During Covid lockdowns he missed school but was able to go to the hub and he really gained from that because he got to know children and teachers in other classes.”
Kristin, who fundraises to pay for private speech and language therapy, said she knows her little boy is progressing because he can now tell tales on his younger twin sisters Frieda and Flora, four, and his older sister Klara, eight. Kristin wanted to share her story to mark Down's Syndrome Day on Monday, March 21 and explained that it hasn't been easy.
The mother of four admitted she knew little when she was told at 34 weeks pregnant that the baby she was expecting had Down’s syndrome. Kristin and husband John “considered all the options” but knew they wanted their baby and are determined to give Gwilym all the same chances as his sisters.
She said she went from feeling "very low" when she was pregnant with her son to feeling determined to find out more and giving him the best chances. One of those was to send him to the local primary rather than a special school, she said.
“It has definitely benefited him being in mainstream school. I think it is a win win situation for everyone. For the other children to have someone like Gwilym around is normal. That’s what you want. That’s inclusion. He loves his teachers. I am glad I trusted my gut feeling and did not listen when people said he would not achieve.
"Gwilym goes to the gym and ballet. He loves music and is learning the piano. There are obviously differences with his needs but it is how and what you do with that.”
Kristin is German and Gwilym understands the language as well as English and some Welsh he learns at school. He has just designed a t-shirt which will be accepted for PE in the school. Gwilym’s headteacher said everyone in the school benefits.
“He lives 100 yards from the school so the best thing is to include him in the school and community. He scoots in every morning on his Batman bike. He’s friends with all the children and is really popular. Gwilym’s behaviour is exemplary and there are no issues with disruption to anyone’s learning. His class is very fortunate to have him in it.
“What a way to learn that people are different when someone who clearly has different needs is with you. We are not trying to pretend it’s not the case that Gwilym has different needs. This is inclusion and it works well. The flip side is he would have to travel in a taxi to a special school miles away. The nearest one Ysgol y Deri is 25 miles away in Penarth. He would like it I am sure, but it’s a long way away from his community.
“Gwilym’s family have made the right decision and they’re lucky there’s a school in their village. Everyone here is fond of Gwilym. He’s delightful. He's an asset to the school and everyone is learning.”
Kristin is raising money for the Down's Syndrome Association. To donate press here. To get the latest email updates from WalesOnline click here.