It’s time to jump into the future on The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart as an older Alice finds a new voice. Let’s take a look at what happens in episode 4.
Older Alice (Alycia Debnam-Carey) rifles through the house, looking for something. She storms past concerned Flowers and heads to the truck, driving off into an actual storm. The next morning she wakes up in the truck while June (Sigourney Weaver) returns home from having surgery to find her office torn apart. She tells everyone to call everyone they know to see if they can find her. She’s so serious that she even tells them to have the police put an alert on her truck.
In her workshop, June studies the ripped envelope she found in her office. She looks through her phone book and calls Sally Morgan.
Sally (Asher Keddie), in the meantime, is at the doctor’s office with John (Alexander England) and their son Charlie (Jeremy Blewitt), Alice’s brother, who is in good health. The doctor says his kidneys are fine, so he doesn’t have to return for any more visits. They’re overjoyed of course, but when Sally sees June’s name come up on her phone she shows it to John. When Sally returns the call, she says it has been 14 years and they’ve respected Alice’s wishes for them to stay away. They haven’t seen or heard from her.
June has a dream that Alice returned, finding her in the office. “How could you?” she asks. When Twig (Leah Purcell) wakes her up, June is feverish. The next day June puts a handful of honey on her incision.
Alice is on the road with her newly rescued canine friend. She’s coming up to Agnes Bluff, thrilled that she made it. But her canine friend is bleeding and needs help so she detours to a veterinarian. The handsome vet, Moss (Xavier Samuel), offers to take good care of the pup when he senses from Alice that she’s not willing to give up too much information. As she leaves the vet she has an episode of some kind and passes out. Thankfully the vet is there to help her, but she brushes off his assistance and drives off.
At a hotel, Alice pulls out her belongings and dries them off, revealing that the ripped envelope features Oggi’s return address. In a flashback we see Alice and Oggi (Ben Bennett) grown up, and he tells her that when they left his dad they ended up in Australia illegally so once they leave they can’t return. She doesn’t care, she would marry him and go anywhere with him. Back in the present, Alice drinks heavily and then dances around until she passes out.
In the past, Alice waits by the river with her packed bags. Oggi never shows up. June finds her crying in bed. “I’m so sorry Alice,” June tells her. Oggi was deported after immigration was tipped off.
In a letter, he reveals that he’s been writing to her for five years after she broke up with him in an email. He never believed that she'd do something like that. But he moved on and met someone, and now they’re getting married.
The past catches up
Candy (Frankie Adams) gets a call from Alice and Alice tells her what happened. June took away the only man she ever loved and now it’s over. He’s getting married and she’s never going back to Thornfield. She pulls the SIM card from her phone so it can’t be traced.
Candy finds June in the garden. June looks at her like she knows what she’s going to say.
The next day Alice grabs her things and heads out for some hiking trails. She sits on a rock and draws what she finds. When she passes a stranger he tells her the swimming hole dried up, but he suggests a new spot and tells her she needs to arrive at “magic hour.”
As she gets ready, the hotel owner shows up and says that the vet called and her dog is ready, but the dog can’t stay there. Moss agrees to keep the dog for her until she’s ready to keep her, if she buys him a drink. While they talk, Alice keeps looking at her watch because it’s almost time to go to the secret spot the stranger told her about. He notices her looking at her watch and asks if she needs to be somewhere, but she says no. It’s time for shots.
They end up at her hotel room. She thinks about Oggi and loses her enthusiasm. When Moss says he’ll leave, she tells him to stay. She’s shocked when she sees he wasn’t wearing any underwear. “I didn’t know this was going to happen,” he reminds her.
June looks through Alice’s things while Candy looks at June’s computer. She sees that Oggi’s email addresses have been blocked. Twig goes and tells June what happened and June laughs, reminding her that Twig agrees they didn’t want Alice running away to Bulgaria. When June calls John, Charlie answers and he’s heartbroken when June doesn’t want to hear his good news. She needs John’s help finding Alice. Later that day, she’s in the greenhouse when she passes out.
Alice and Moss enjoy a swim in the secret swimming hole and then head to a bar afterwards. They talk about their families and when she reveals that her parents died he feels terrible. She reveals she left her grandmother’s farm because she’s controlling. Moss’ friends show up and Lulu (Vivienne Awosoga) invites her to join them. She offers to get Alice a ticket to see the crater at sunset the following day.
Sally is worried that Charlie hasn’t said all night and Sally knows it’s because of June. John says he’s going to help find Alice. That night she drinks a glass of wine and calls June’s phone. When Twig answers, she angrily tells Twig that Charlie is healthy and Alice’s brother would love to meet her. Twig has no idea what the call is about but when Sally reveals who’s calling, Twig puts the pieces together.
No more secrets
With June in the hospital, Twig rushes home and finds that June had been hiding letters from Charlie to Alice for years and years and years. She sees photos of him and sobs as she realizes the implications of what June has done.
Alice is outside the bar smoking, looking up at the sky. She starts to pass out when the stranger from the hike finds her. His name is Dylan (Sebastiàn Zurita) and after a few moments Lulu rushes out to greet him. They work together.
When June wakes up, Candy tells her that she and Twig know about Charlie. Later, Candy brings her home to find Twig cutting down the memorial tree they planted for Charlie since he is, in fact, alive. June insists that she did what she thought was right, but Twig can’t believe she’d deny Alice a chance to know and grow up with her brother.
Lulu finds Alice at the tour. Alice lies and says Moss couldn’t make it when the truth is that she didn’t invite him. The tour guide tells a story about a baby who fell from the stars to the earth. The parents searched and searched for her but could never find her.
June makes a special bouquet for Twig, asking for forgiveness. Later, she finds the bouquet torn apart and Twig gone.
As Alice stands and watches the sunset, she tells her mother she’s there. At that moment, she looks up and sees Dylan there, too.
New episodes of The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart premiere Fridays on Prime Video.