I think it's fair to say that, when it comes around to licensed video games, South Park has had a checkered history. But that legacy didn't stop Obsidian Entertainment from producing one of the very best RPGs I can remember in the past twenty years in South Park: The Stick of Truth, a glorious fantasy adventure that both treated the source material of the show with due reverence, as well as deliver a gripping gaming experience full of freedom and fun.
Indeed, in PC Gamer's official South Park: The Stick of Truth review, we said that 'you really couldn't ask for a better South Park game' and praised its 'rich customisation and slick turn-based combat', all before awarding the game a score of 90%. Our reviewer, Andy Kelly, concluded that, 'I didn't get bored once across the 17 hours it took me to finish the story and most of the sidequests, and it kept me laughing consistently until the credits.'
And, as someone who has played The Stick of Truth to completion, I can confirm that the game really is as good as stated. If you like South Park then this is a must-play, but even if you're really more of an RPG or fantasy fan, then I'd still say this is a great match, as the game both wonderfully skewers fantasy series like The Lord of the Rings, but also genuinely does deliver on the game part, with RPG masters Obsidian pulling no punches in terms of deep systems. That's backed up by PC gamers who have played and reviewed the game themselves, with The Stick of Truth currently boasting over 50,000 'Overwhelmingly Positive' reviews on Steam.
Which is why I felt I would bring the fact that South Park: The Stick of Truth is currently discounted by 90% in the Steam Winter Sale to the PC gaming community's attention, a fact that sees its price drop to below that of a cup of coffee. Here are the details.
The Stick of Truth was followed with an RPG sequel of sorts, which you can read about in our South Park: The Fractured But Whole review. While this was still a very good game (this time skewering superhero movie culture rather than swords and sorcery fantasy), it was simplified some in terms of some RPG mechanics, making The Stick of Truth the superior PC gaming experience in my opinion. Worth a play for sure, and I've done so, but as someone who owns both games I can safely say that it is this first Obsidian adventure that is the deeper and more engaging experience.

Oh, and lastly, what I also really like about South Park: The Stick of Truth, is that it is Steam Deck verified. This fact, along with its turn-based combat, make it a great game to play while commuting or on a trip, as you can dip in and out without having to worry about needing to be 100 per cent in the zone to ensure perfect reaction times and engagement. It's like watching one of South Park's very best episodes, but one where you can actively engage with its mad cast of characters and explore the town, in general, as you see fit. Quite a chill RPG in that regard.
For another take on The Stick of Truth, be sure to check out the words of PC Gamer's own Brand Director, Tim Clark, who waxes lyrical about a game he calls 'a game about games that truly gets gamers. It’s brilliant.'