I read George Monbiot’s wholesale damnation of the last 12 years of Tory government with interest (Ask yourself this before you vote: can anyone truly say the Tories have made Britain better?, 5 May). Would he now reconsider his article about the last Labour government from 14 years ago (This government has been the most rightwing since the second world war, 20 May 2008), in which he wrote: “Yes, I worry about what the Tories might do if they get in. I also worry about what Labour might do if it wins another term. Why should anyone on the left seek the re-election of the most rightwing government Britain has had since the second world war?” And: “All we are left with is fear: the fear that this awful government might be replaced by something slightly worse.” Does George (for whom I have great admiration) now concede that since 2010 we have had a government that has been more than “slightly worse” than its predecessor?
Chris Donnison
• While I applaud George Monbiot’s assessment, I am disappointed that he did not include the Windrush scandal, which has had profound and lasting effects on many British citizens of Caribbean descent.
Gerald Clarke
Titchfield, Hampshire
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