At least eight members of Hexham constituency resigned from the Labour party on the day Jamie Driscoll announced that he would stand for north-east mayor as an independent candidate (Labour voters are disillusioned with the party. Their support since my resignation proves it, 18 July). More are resigning across the north-east.
I have been an active Labour member for 31 years and have held several officer positions in the local constituency. It was with a heavy heart that I resigned from the party last week. I did so because I do not like the treatment that Driscoll received in being barred from the list of prospective Labour candidates for north-east mayor. I cannot remain in a party that undemocratically selects its candidates and undemocratically deselects elected representatives.
I look forward to campaigning for Jamie in the mayoral election next spring. His record shows he is more than capable of being the best candidate and of doing the best job.
Brian Singer
Riding Mill, Northumberland
• Jamie Driscoll is spot-on: Labour voters are disillusioned with the party. We have a successful, principled and popular mayor. He has worked cross-party to deliver a good devolution deal, but has had to leave the party because factionalism stopped him standing.
Under Tony Blair, New Labour took the “red wall” for granted, and the results of that were Brexit and the 2019 election results. Now the Labour party is taking its members for granted and assuming that even when we don’t get a proper say we will continue funding and campaigning. Under Keir Starmer, the party offers nothing but broken promises and continued austerity policies, with all the cruelty and despair they involve.
Anne Brown
Newcastle upon Tyne
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