Artwork depicting a cartoon image of the newly-crowned King Charles III appearing to advertise a famous brand of tampons, a samba band and a children's puppet show - that's some of how the most aptly-named pub in Bristol marked the Coronation today.
The Coronation pub in Southville, just off Coronation Road, installed the cheeky artwork above the bar a few days ago, and it's been turning heads - upwards - ever since.
The work of art was created by controversial Bristol street artist John D'Oh, who is famous in the city for stunts including dressing life-size skeletons up and posing them as if they are begging in the street, or creating fake Banksy artworks that satire the artist himself.
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At the Coronation pub, the work depicts King Charles on a box of 'kingsize' Tampax, complete with a tampon creating a 3D work of art.
For younger readers, this references a scandal back in the 1990s when a phone conversation between the then Prince Charles and his then mistress Camilla - now crowned Queen - got a little steamy, and was intercepted, recorded and caused a tabloid sensation, when details of it was published. The episode was recreated recently in The Crown, to remind everyone of it 30 years later.

The artist said he was pleased the landlord of The Coronation pub in BS3 agreed to put the artwork up. The pub is named after nearby Coronation Road, which itself was named after the coronation of George VI in 1821, but it's not the only way the pub and the local residents are marking the coronation in 2023.

An 11-hour party is taking place from noon to 11pm at the Coronation pub and on Kingston Road outside, featuring children's entertainer Mr Brown Pig, acoustic music and live music from Balkany Band and Batala Samba Band, before rounding off with a silent disco at the pub from 10pm.
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