If you’re on the feminist drama side of TikTok — or you live in Perth — chances are you’ve come across a video of a podcaster named Jack Mcintosh breaking down in tears after another creator rejected his offer to “have a chat” about the patriarchy and her opinion of men. The video has sparked a lot of discourse on TikTok about gender issues, the patriarchy and the audacity of some men when being confronted with a woman saying “no”.
It all kicked off when model and content creator Jordan Tan — who often posts about feminism — made a TikTok video about a series of voice memos she received from “two men in the space of mindset, mental health” who wanted to meet up with her to “have a chat and talk about things” after seeing her “opinions about men”.

“It would be awesome to hear your perspectives and hopefully give some of our perspectives to hopefully learn from each other and hear where we’re at because I’m sure you don’t want to feel that way for the rest of your life, and I’m sure you want to be listened to by two men in the space of mindset and mental health,” the voice memo said.
When Jordan politely declined the opportunity to have a conversation with the men and sent through resources they could use to continue their feminist education, they clapped back, asking “what didn’t align” because they “just wanted to have a conversation”, completely unaware that they were essentially asking this woman they didn’t know to educate them on issues that take a lot of emotional bandwidth. For free.
You can watch the video below.
Ironically, the two men wanting to discuss women’s issues did not take Jordan saying “no” very well. Especially when Jack was currently participating in a rejection challenge on his TikTok, where he gets rejected in one way or another every day.
“Why on earth would I agree to this?” Jordan said.
“It genuinely shocks me how beyond inappropriate this is that two grown men have sat down together to try and lure me into a fucking corner in order to gain some kind of weird sense of control over me and my beliefs or think they can somehow save me from the misogynistic assumptions they have made about me.
“I don’t owe you anything, I have every single right to just say ‘no, I don’t have the time, I don’t want to do this.”
Although Jordan didn’t name the men behind the voice memos, a day later, fellow TikTok creator Jack McIntosh responded with a now-deleted, 5:16 second-long video in which he claimed to be “just a guy trying to be better”.
“The reason I decided to message Jordan Tan was to have a conversation,” he said.
“To give context to that, I catch up with strangers all the time. It’s one of our passions, we love talking to strangers, getting to know their stories, and understanding perspectives. Isn’t that what we are here to do? Share stories? Share experiences? Knowledge? Learn from each other?
“No one is perfect. Jordan Tan, you are not perfect. Jack McIntosh, he is not perfect. No one listening to this is perfect.”

He went on to say that he didn’t read the resources sent by Jordan because he’s “never read a book”.
“The reason I asked why was I was genuinely curious, I’m a fucking curious person,” he continued.
“I just didn’t see the harm in it. I’ve never read a book so when you sent me this, I don’t want to say it goes over my head, but when people tell me to read any book whether I have a fear of reading books, I don’t know.”
Although Jack noted he learns best through conversation, the creator did not acknowledge the existence of audiobooks, podcasts or even educational TikToks like Jordan’s own videos. However, he did claim that the rejection hit home due to some childhood trauma around rejection.
You can watch the video, posted by another user, below.
After breaking down in tears, Jack ended the video by saying he was glad the situation was happening so he could learn from it and be better. However, it wasn’t long after posting the emotional video that it went viral with women noting that not only did Jack take rejection terribly, but potentially, he missed the entire point of Jordan’s response.
“He’s crying because a woman said no to him,” wrote a TikToker.
“My first thought was, ‘he is experiencing the consequences of his own actions’,” said another.
Although his full video has been deleted, Australia’s golden gal Abbie Chatfield has done a pretty immaculate breakdown of the video and the resulting discourse in her latest podcast episode It’s A Lot with Abbie Chatfield. You can listen to her analysis — and her interview with Jordan about what went down — HERE.
On Monday, Jack posted a second apology video to TikTok.
“I’m taking accountability for my actions and the way I made Jordan Tan feel and anyone else I might have offended,” he said.
“My approach was very naive. I’m now taking the time to educate myself and try to be better every single day.
“I just wanted to try and spark a conversation with Jordan and learn from her experiences as I am a mental health advocate. I would never want anyone to feel the way that I made Jordan feel and for that, I am truly sorry. Thank you.”
You can watch the video below.
In response, Jordan was ready to put it all to bed, happy to forgive Jack and give him the advice he was after all along.
“This is my piece of advice. Please, for the love of god, please stop fucking posting on the Internet bro,” she said, before encouraging him to go to therapy.
Jordan also questioned why we didn’t see the other person who spoke to her in the voice note.
“Your friend, on the other hand, bring him out. What’s the deal? Why is he so silent? Why is he letting you be so loud while he sits in silence? It’s giving ‘he’s letting you take the fall’ and he’s enabling this behaviour from you so he gets off the hook.
“Where’s the blonde guy? Bring him out cos’ he’s the one I’m more pissed off at. Interesting that he wanted to be involved when you sent me the voice note, but now? Crickets.”
As it stands, the beef has seemingly been put to bed. However, I hope Jack — and any men watching it all unfold — recognise that it is not a woman’s job to spoon-feed education to them, especially when it pertains to women’s issues or the patriarchy.
We love a learning moment, don’t we?
The post The Jack Mcintosh Saga, The Latest TikTok Drama To Take Over Our FYP, Explained appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .