A former Irish pub could be yours for the price of just €175,000, with plenty of history and character to go with it.
This property could be a dream come true for anyone who has ever wanted to own their own pub.
Located on the Main Street in Ballyhaunis, Co Mayo, this property has six bedrooms, a commercial section, retail space, kitchen and sitting room, according to the listing on Daft.ie.
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It said: “This is an excellent opportunity to acquire a town centre premises and to re-purpose to various uses including commercial, hospitality and potentially further residential subject to necessary planning consents.”
The property, which has ‘James Lyons’ painted across the front, has a “large” car park to the rear and a separate entrance to the accommodation.
“This property comprises a former purpose built public house/shop unit and residence with a yard and number of outbuildings to the rear is now been sold as an unlicensed premises,” the listing said.

According to the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage, the “terraced four-bay three-storey hotel, extant 1893,” was renovated after 1912.
“A hotel regarded as an integral component of the built heritage of Ballyhaunis with the architectural value of the composition,” a post on their website said in relation to the property.
James Lyons has a cream exterior with a shopfront to one side. Aside from this, nine windows can be seen from the front of this terrace property.
“Having been well maintained, the elementary form and massing survive intact together with substantial quantities of the historic or original fabric, both to the exterior and to the interior, including a Classically-detailed shopfront of artistic interest making a pleasing visual statement in the streetscape at street level.”
While the property is in need of fixing up, for €175,000 it could be a worthwhile investment for anyone dreaming of running their own pub, hotel or shop.
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