You can enter an episode of MAFS as a hero but if you get enough screentime you’ll end up a villain. I believe a superhero said that once, maybe Robert Pattinson. And thus comes the complex relationship the internet has with the MAFS panel of experts after Sunday’s Commitment Ceremony.
In Sunday’s episode of MAFS expert John Aiken emerged as an anti-hero. Throughout the episode, the audience careened between being staunchly #TeamJohn and yelling at him through their TV screens.
The duality of man, is all I have say here.
If you missed out on the ep or want to relive all the juicy goss, you can catch PEDESTRIAN.TV’s recap here. Look away now if you don’t want spoilers, though to be honest I’m not sure why you’re reading this article if you don’t want spoilers.
None of the couples left the experiment, much to the despair of the folks who wrote “leave”, including Kate and Carolina.
But what emerged as a highlight of the ep was the experts grilling the contestants on their behaviour.
Example one? Kate, who seems deeply uninterested in her husband Matt. John straight up her how she was trying to make the relationship work.
Best couch question all series John. Kate has done NOTHING to try and make this relationship work #MAFSAustralia #MAFS #MAFSAU
— JPS (@JonathanEva2018) March 6, 2022
Then during Mitch and Ella’s session the experts went in on Mitch’s constant complaining about being on camera. My friend, you are on a reality TV show that airs four nights a week. This should not be a shock.
mitch going on a reality show to complain about how reality shows work? #MAFSAU #MAFS pic.twitter.com/QtebMaMh0n
— luci (@llluci) March 6, 2022
mitch says he doesn’t want to be in front of the cameras but let us not forget when he flashed his gooch on the honeymoon #MAFS #MAFSAU
— alysha ♡ al stan account (@intosneedy) March 6, 2022
Loves…what did you expect???? Going on national TV???? #mafsau
— nads (@thelifeofnadss) March 6, 2022
So the audience absolutely ate it up when John called out Mitch for blaming the “experiment” (as they insist on calling it) for his relo difficulties.
Even I felt scolded and I’m not a straight person who’s been married to a stranger for 22 episodes.
John Aiken is a true savage tonight make these contestants accountable #MAFSAustralia #MAFSAU #mafs
— Miss OVH (@Miss_OVH) March 6, 2022
John sounding like a multi-level-marketing guru. Just waiting for him to sell me a Tupperware storage set. #MAFS #MAFSAU
— Jay (@jay_jcf) March 6, 2022
john is like that teacher that has had enough of the class’ shit #MAFSAU
— 𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑦 (@natoutofhell) March 6, 2022
john stating facts right now #MAFSAU
— makayla (@ramendiaries) March 6, 2022
john actually doing his job this season and calling out people on their bullshit! i’m here for it. #MAFS #MAFSAU
— alysha ♡ al stan account (@intosneedy) March 6, 2022
I fucking live for John actually doing his job and handing contestant’s their asses back on a platter #MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/TFQIwAYC7M
— Leah Jay (@LeahJayK) March 6, 2022
The first bump in the road for the John fandom came during himbo Al and his wife Sam’s couch chat. John criticised Al for telling Sam’s parents that he mostly plays video games in his spare time.
But what was Al supposed to do? Lie? He likes doing shoeys and gaming. No shame in that.
John’s comments also incensed the gamers. I had no idea that there was a Venn diagram overlap between MAFS enjoyers and video game enjoyers but God I’m glad there is.
“I wish I came up with a better answer” says Al and everyone agrees with that as though he should lie in order to pretend to be someone he’s not. #MAFS #MAFSAU
— Isobel Ardent (@isobelardent) March 6, 2022
How is it the "wrong answer" for Al to answer honestly (video games) about his hobbies? Everyone has their own interests. Bet John wouldn't like to be told his hobbies are "wrong". #MAFS #MAFSAU
— Gozza (@Gozza08) March 6, 2022
I'm 26 and play video games in my spare time, what's wrong with that? #MAFSAU
— sdimloveszilfs (tyrese maxey lover account) (@zilfsrus) March 6, 2022
During Dion and Carolina’s session though, the audience acclaim swung back round when John revealed he’d taken notes (!), like actual handwritten notes (!!!), of Carolina’s treatment of Dion.
And none of the judges were impressed when Carolina said she’d openly laughed at Dion’s dancing.
John about to let loose #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/VxdwybHESK
— Kel K (@KelKnez) March 6, 2022
Notepad is out… He means business #MAFSAU
— Brooke Mons (@BeeJade) March 6, 2022
It’s not often we get a collective reaction like that! Mel is talking to Carolina the way I cross examine people. #mafsau #mafsaustralia pic.twitter.com/L2TTwBNgQe
— MK (@MKMoore625) March 6, 2022
Expert Alessandra was also praised for her callout of Carolina. During the session, Carolina tried justify her behaviour by saying that she’s Latina.
“I’m Latina! I have a temper!” Carolina said.
Alessandra immediately shut that shit down.
“I was, I think, even a little personally insulted with you trying to justify such nastiness on being Latina – as if Latina women are disrespectful,” Alessandra said.
“As a Latina woman, I can tell you we are of course very feisty and very passionate – never ever disrespectful and nasty and demeaning. I’m not going to accept that as a representation of Latina women.”
I was expecting this burn from Alessandra; she is right as Latina; she doesn't represent us. And she shouldn't use that excuse. "I am mean with you because I am passionate, english is my 2nd language and bla bla." It will be the same attitude in Portuguese or Spanish. #MAFSAU
— Kath! (@Katheandr) March 6, 2022
Queen Alessandra!
The politest take down in history. #MAFS #MAFSAU
— Nez (@fraggle73) March 6, 2022
Carolina getting draggggggged. This is just a brutal takedown from the ‘experts’ #MAFSAU
— Guzman Wye Gomez (@jwyeNFL) March 6, 2022
Well said Alessandra. #MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/ufnvqBb9Ty
— Jen Lee (@jenleeren) March 6, 2022
The pendulum of popularity swung back against the experts — particularly John — when Dion revealed he wanted to change his “stay” to a “leave”. They wouldn’t let him.
Poor Dion and his sparkly jackets.
Ahhh no, Carolina is not going to change her mind. Why are the experts not allowing that relationship to run itself out…#MAFSAU
— Natalie Staaks (@natalie_staaks) March 6, 2022
"Expert" John is the true MAFS villain. #MAFSAU
— Judy (@Judithr32685596) March 6, 2022
So there you have it: a complex tapestry of feelings about the expert panel there. Ah, the power and pitfalls of reality TV.
The episode ended with a fiery argument between Domenica and Olivia. Then, in a bit of TV magic, the preview for Monday’s ep showed us a continuation of the fight with Dom appearing to smash a glass.
Sacre bleu!
The Channel 9 MAFS promo team should be up for a logie after that. I’m not missing MON, TUES, WED or SUN MAFS this week…wow #MAFS #MAFSAU #MAFSAustralia
— JPS (@JonathanEva2018) March 6, 2022
#MAFSAU me after seeing next weeks #MAFS preview pic.twitter.com/f3HPfEtVIS
— Leanne Aston (@LeanneAston1) March 6, 2022
Gold stars for the MAFS editors.
Married At First Sight airs on Sunday at 7pm and Monday to Wednesday at 7:30pm on Channel Nine and 9Now.
The post The Internet Is Divided By The MAFS Expert Panel’s Takes On All That Commitment Ceremony Beef appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .