Our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness, a wise man once said, so, y'know, carpe diem and all that, embrace life, fill your boots.
This, we must imagine, is the sort of positive, open-minded attitude Korn are embracing in 2023, so that when someone suggested they 'do a bit' with some cosplay 'aliens' as promo for the "magical weekend of music, fun, and friendship" that the people behind US festival Bonnaroo believe it to be, the nu metal daddies thought, 'Well, why the heck not?"
So the concept is this [and stop us if this gets too complicated]:
The popular US rock group Korn are in their 'trailer' backstage at magical weekend of music, fun, and friendship Bonnaroo when there's a loud knock on their door. Who can it be? Oh my! Well, blow me, It appears that Korn have only received a visitation from extraterrestrials! Why, you ask? Well - hahahaha... sorry, give us a minute here... right, so what's happened here is that this deputation of aliens have dropped in on popular US rock group Korn in the mistaken belief that they are some omnipotent entity responsible for crop circles. Hahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa.
What a palaver!
After the penny drops, there's much laughter from everyone, and - good eggs that they are - Head and Munky suggest a spot of collaborative karaoke, and everyone has A Whale Of A Time shouting along to Freak On A Leash.
So, yeah, that's the basic idea. A little... hahaha... korny... but why not, eh? Go ham!
Crazy times. But don't just take our word for it, go look!
You guys... LOL!