Bill McClintock might be the Devil.
Stand down online libel lawyers, this ain't your fight. All we're saying is that, if there's any truth in that well-worn maxim about the devil having all the best tunes, then, ergo, Bill McClintock must be the Devil, because the man has tunes for daaaaaays, and to borrow/tweak a lyric from Hot Chocolate, every one's a winner baby, that's the truth.
Informed by the mission statement "Making old music new again", over the past decade McClintock has emerged as the Messiah of Mash-Ups, the Crown Prince of Collision-Core, the Sultan of The Sound-Clash, or something. Long story short, the man has skills.
Who could forget his work on Spiceknot's If You Wanna Breathe My Sulfur? The genius of Slam!'s South of Christmas? The so-wrong-it's-so-right headfuck that is Los Disturbados' Stuparena?
Now we present to you Bob Marleykorn's Could You Be a Freak on a Leash, a creation in which Bob Marley's 1980 single Could You Be Loved goes toe-to-toe with Korn's Freak on a Leash, single number three from the nu-metal daddies' 1998 album Follow The Leader, with a bonus sliver of Iron Maiden's cult TV homage The Prisoner for added seasoning.
It should not work. And yet... here we are.
There are 120 videos on Bill McClintock's YouTube Channel. Treat yourself.
Korn currently have just four live shows on their docket. The fabulous Bakersfield boys will play the Sick New World 2023 festival in Las Vegas laster this month, make appearances at the Bonaroo festival and Mexico's Machaca festival in June, and return to California to play Aftershock festival on October 7.