After the recent announcement by British Airways that it would retire its entire fleet of 32 Boeing 747s with immediate effect, the last few aircraft still at the airline’s Heathrow base have begun departing the airport for the final time. It is likely that most will simply be “parted out,” that is to say, broken up and sold for scrap or salvageable components. Much has been written about the “queen of the skies.” It has featured heavily in my own career so I would like to offer some personal perspectives on the important legacy which this iconic aircraft will leave behind.
The 747’s introduction to service in 1970 was a real step change in size, doubling capacity over previous aircraft. It ushered in a different travel experience too, as the first wide bodied passenger aircraft with two aisles. This factor, combined with its high ceilings, certainly gave a feeling of more space to customers, offering the chance to walk around a little, no matter what cabin configuration airlines chose.
The aircraft was powered by a new generation of “big fan” engines with intakes large enough to stand in. Today this may seem nothing exceptional but it was a radical step forward in power and thrust to lift this vast aircraft and to enable the economic transformation of air travel which it has delivered. Broadly speaking, unit costs per airline seat (the industry’s unit of production) fall with increased aircraft size, so the 747 and its powerful engines allowed airlines to profitably offer substantial amounts of capacity at lower prices than was previously economic and in effect open up air travel to many more people.
The 747-400 a big leap ahead
The initial version was the series 100, followed by the 200 and the 300, to which was added a stretched upper deck, rather than the original “bubble.” But it was the 747-400 which marked a significant performance upgrade. Firstly, it saw a move to a glass cockpit with cathode ray tube displays instead of analogue instrumentation and only requiring a two pilot crew, no longer needing a flight engineer.
With more efficient and powerful engines from manufacturers Rolls Royce, Pratt and Whitney and General Electric and further fuel economy derived from aerodynamic winglets added to the wing tips, the aircraft could fly much further with significantly higher payload than its predecessor versions.
British Airways was the worlds largest operator of the Boeing 747-400, at one point the fleet numbered 57 aircraft and it is the remaining 32 which will be unceremoniously retired now. I worked at the airline as a network planner when the first of these aircraft were delivered in 1989 and was part of the team that evaluated the optimal deployment of these formidable machines. In BA’s case, the 747-400 permitted longer Asian routes from London to Singapore and Bangkok, to be operated non stop without payload penalties. Previous versions of the 747 had to make a stop in the Gulf to uplift extra fuel. By virtue of this improvement it also became possible to offer a one stop service on the “Kangaroo” London-Australia route to Melbourne and Sydney. The product improvements translated into reduced operating costs and improved revenues.
Diversity and “misuse” of the 747’s potential
There has been a real variety in the ways that airlines have exploited the 747’s potential. Japan Airlines used to operate 747-SR’s (short range) in a high density configuration with 563 seats on short, but high demand, domestic routes such as Tokyo-Osaka. Other airlines have also used high seat density 747’s to operate pilgrimage flights to Mecca for the annual Haj.
British Caledonian, another airline for which I worked, had the largest first class cabin in the world with 52 seats on a 747 used between London and Lagos. British Airways has “misused” its 747-400s very effectively on relatively short routes with high business class demand such as Heathrow-JFK. These aircraft have operated configured with large numbers of business class seats and fewer in economy. Smaller aircraft could do the job, but with the 747s long since paid for, this was a financially effective way to meet strong premium high margin demand. The Covid crisis has put an end to that requirement and in effect sealed the 747’s fate for British Airways.
The 747 at odds with a new world
The final model of the 747, the 747-8 , was introduced in 2011 but has only sold in modest numbers. Now 50 years after its entry to service and even without the Covid crisis, the world has changed and large twin engined aircraft (such as the Boeing 777-300 and 787 and Airbus’s A330 and A350) can deliver similar payloads comfortably on two not four engines. Fuel efficiency and range have continued to improve. The competitive landscape is more intense and there are new business models. Airlines have become more risk averse and are wary of needing to fill ultra large aircraft, as is witnessed by the failure of the much younger Airbus A380 to find a sufficiently large market.
Twin jets will dominate future skies
Twin engined long haul aircraft are now the norm, yet the shrinkage likely to be a consequence of the Covid crisis, combined with risk avoidance means that the future of some long haul is going to be back to smaller single aisle aircraft once more as Airbus A321 LRs and XLRs take to airline fleets in the coming years. Whether customers willingly accept this on very long haul flights remains to be seen. Other routes will be operated by more modestly sized wide bodies such as the 787 and A350. What is ceetain is that the 747 has truly been a trail blazer for all the changes we see today. It will remain queen of the skies.