Hopefully that headline doesn’t need a question mark. The Oceana group says small companies are helping lead the way when it comes to alternatives to single-use plastics, offering reusable takeout containers in a growing number of locations.
States and cities also are taking action. Legislatures in New Jersey, Virginia, Washington and Colorado have passed bans on single-use plastics in just the past year.
Oceana cares about plastics because it’s the largest international advocacy organization focused solely on ocean conservation.
Christy Leavitt, Oceana’s plastics campaign manager, adds that federal legislation like the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act can help reduce unnecessary single-use plastic, including polystyrene foam and plastic utensils, and hold companies responsible for their plastic waste.
Refill Not Landfill
It’s estimated that more than 17 billion pounds of plastic leaks into the marine environment every year from land-based sources. That’s like a garbage truck full of plastic every minute.

Solutions to the problem include companies like DeliverZero, a New York City service that packages food from more than 100 participating restaurants in reusable containers.
Customers return their old containers to the delivery courier on their next order or drop them off at any restaurant on the platform. There's a small charge if customers choose to keep the containers.
Other examples of reusable takeout containers include GreenToGo in Durham, North Carolina, with 25 participating restaurants, and Dispatch Goods in San Francisco, California, with more than 30 participating partners.
“These companies are popping up in different parts of the country,” Leavitt says, noting an uptick in takeout during the COVID era.
It’s also because of growing interest in and concern about single-use plastics. “People are wanting plastic-free choices,” she says.

There aren’t any reusable takeout examples in the Washington, D.C., area where Leavitt is located. But she thinks people would welcome it, and quickly get used to reusable takeout systems like people have to recycling.
She hopes larger corporations and restaurant chains will join the plastic-free takeout party, or be pushed along by federal legislation like the Break Free from Plastic Pollution Act. Grocery stores, where so much of food you take home is wrapped in plastic, also could institute more sustainable practices.
Break Free from Plastic
Oceana is part of Break Free from Plastic, a global movement of more than 2,000 groups focused on reducing the proliferation of single-use plastics. They used the month of Plastic-Free July to draw attention to the issue, but work on it year-round, Leavitt says.
The Break Free from Plastic Pollution Act would “reduce plastic production, increase recycling, and protect frontline and fenceline communities from the burden of toxic emissions from plastic waste by changing the incentives of the industry,” according to U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Oregon, who introduced the bill. U.S. Rep. Alan Lowenthal, D-California, has an identical bill in the House.
Oceana is urging people to sign a petition in support of the act.
Leavitt says the legislation is building support in Congress, with more than 100 representatives and about a dozen senators as co-sponsors. More than 38,000 people have signed the petition.
“It’s important to have people continue to weight in about the issue,” Leavitt says. “The more (federal leaders) hear about it, the more likely they are to act.”
She adds that more than 90 countries have banned or put fees on plastic bags, including Spain, Tanzania, Malawi, Thailand, New Zealand, Peru and Belize.
“This is an issue where much of the rest of the world is ahead of the U.S. on the national levels.”