Few food companies can claim such a salivation-inducing and highly recognized product portfolio as Frito-Lay, PepsiCo’s snack food subsidiary. Its products are synonymous with snacking, and include heavy hitters like Cheetos, Doritos, Lay’s, Baked, Sun Chips, Smartfood, Ruffles, Rold Gold, Walkers, Cracker Jack and Funyuns.
Frito-Lay has maintained its status the largest global distributor of snack foods through not only its strategic acquisitions of now iconic food brands like Smartfood, but also its ability to anticipate changes in consumers preferences with its evolving product portfolio. For example, Frito-Lay stated its commitment to cut trans fat from its products in 2002, which was well ahead of the 2015 FDA announcement that food makers had three more years to remove partially hydrogenated oils from their products. The company has also taken bold bets in the past which have largely paid off.
At the helm of Frito-Lay’s vision of the future of snacking is Dr. Christine Cioffe, Senior Vice President of PepsiCo Sustainability and Global Snacks R&D, and Jennifer Saenz, Chief Marketing Officer of Frito-Lay. The pair explained some of the emergent snacking trends on Frito-Lay’s radar.

1. Consumers are moving away from 3 discrete meals while moving towards 6-8 consumption occasions
“We’ve been seeing an increased blurring between how consumers partake in meals and how they partake in snacks,” explained Dr. Cioffe. “More and more consumers are moving away from three discrete meals a day and snacks as being something you do in between meals . Instead, we’re seeing six to eight consumption occasions over the course of the day.”
The imminent demise of the traditional breakfast, lunch and dinner routine is seemingly related to changes being observed in the typical American lifestyle. In a study led by the Hartman Group, the declining meal ritual is attributed to the pace that advances in technology have yielded across other aspects of life. This study also found that 46% of studied consumers report eating alone more often, alongside 53% who claimed their dinners were planned within only an hour of eating. This trend is curious considering that Americans are watching more cooking shows than ever.
“We’re evolving our food portfolio to reflect these types of consumer preferences,” added Dr. Cioffe. For example, Frito-Lay looked at the types of foods that mothers fed their children when on the go, which typically included foods like cheese, yogurt and milk. In response, the company is rolling out its life of Imagine products, including yogurt-based crisps.

2. Consumers want plant-based snacks, but only if they’re actually delicious
“Our fundamental rub as an organization is finding ingredients that are both healthy as well as delicious,” explained Dr. Cioffe. While consumers are increasingly gravitating towards high protein and fibrous plant ingredients like peas, Dr. Cioffe warns that some consumer-preferred plants can present challenges when it comes to their flavors and textures.
“For example, peas are very polarizing for consumers flavor-wise. They either love it or hate it. There is no middle of the road with peas,” she added. Frito-Lay has been able to incorporate trending plant-based ingredients into its latest products by carefully blending grains to minimize polarizing flavor profiles while still appealing to mindful consumers.
Moreover, pulse grains like chickpeas and beans may present textural issues as they contain complex starches. Frito-Lay has relied on starch chemists to mix these grains with other ingredients to avoid a glue-like or brick-like texture that can inadvertently occur when using these ingredients. For example, its new Off The Eaten Path line uses a blend of rice, peas and beans that both minimizes these extreme flavors while avoiding difficult textures.
“People might change their behavior for something with a functional benefit, but overtime will fall off if it’s not flavorful,” added Saenz.

3. Organic and non-GMO products are the future norm
“What we strive for in our portfolio is to provide consumers choice. Some consumers are very influenced by credentials like organic and non-GMO,” said Saenz. “We take cues from our consumers. We try to respond in advance of trends but also pace with consumers.”
GMO labeling is becoming more common across supermarket aisles. In fact, last Thursday the USDA announced a proposed rule that would require food manufacturers to disclose whether their products include bioengineered ingredients by utilizing a symbol that uses the term “bioengineered” rather than “GMO” which consumers are more familiar with. While adoption of these symbols will take time to roll out, it is evident that consumers and the government alike want more transparency about the origins of processed foods.
Ahead of what is becoming an emergent norm, Frito-Lay requested that its suppliers refrain from using genetically engineered corn and potatoes in 1999 and 2000, respectively. Conflicting with this request was a $1.7 million donation from their parent company PepsiCo to the defeated Grocery Manufacturers Association’s (GMA) “No on 522” campaign in 2012 which would have required food labels for genetically modified ingredients in Washington.
Despite this action by its parent company, Frito-Lay has been visibly committed to increased label transparency through the use of organic and non-GMO labels on its packaging. Consumers are overwhelmingly preferring these labels and looking to buy products that include them, and Frito-Lay has taken note.

4. Consumers expect big companies to engage in socially good practices
“Pepsi’s Performance With Purpose is the main reason I joined PepsiCo eight years ago,” noted Dr. Cioffe. Pepsi’s Performance With Purpose initiative is focused on ensuring that Pepsi and its subsidiaries like Frito-Lay are accountable for their environmental footprints, the health of their consumers and ultimately the communities their businesses operate in.
For example, the company is assessing how it can better support its farming communities, which are largely composed of women. To assist they aim to enhance their access to technology, education and safe water. In its most recent goal reporting, Frito-Lay is also noting a 38% completion of its goal to achieve gender parity in management roles. It has set a 50% target for 2025, so it appears the company is on track.
The company also seeks to further reduce the footprint of its packaging by investing in biocompostable and biodegradable materials. Concurrently, it aims to reduce and reuse the water in its factories as much as possible.
To echo this strategy, Carlotta Mast, the chief editor of the NEXT Natural Food Product Forecast, believes that it is wise for large companies to invest in socially good business practices based on shifting consumer preferences. While natural products, noted for their broad commitments to issues like climate change and social justice, have grown 9% in sales since 2016, total food industry sales grew by less than half a percent in the same time period.

5. Bug snacks? Maybe internationally, but not in the U.S. anytime soon
In 2016, PepsiCo’s CEO Indra Nooyi stated that her company had been investigating the use of bug proteins.
[Experts] said the hottest thing is eating crickets. I am not talking about the game cricket, I am talking about crickets! In chips. And I am a vegetarian, I am not eating any cricket chips. But they said if you want a high protein source, there is a series of products being launched with crickets. One year, three year, five year, ten year: we have different people looking at different horizons, because if you believe in the ten year horizons and what we are seeing, some of the weirdest food and beverage habits are showing up.
When asked about developments of this scoping, Dr. Cioffe said Frito-Lay has been carefully thinking about the use of bug proteins in their products. She clarified, “The way we need to think about this is: what problems would insects actually solve in our food systems?” These problems include the feeding of the projected increase in global human population from 7 billion to 9 billion by 2050, the high input cost of animal agriculture and a decrease in arable land for growing crops for food.
Although there is potential in bug proteins and there are already hubs of companies in the U.S that are successfully incorporating them into their products, like bug-flours, Dr. Cioffe believes their perception is still too taboo for domestic audiences:
There will be a cultural response away from having insects other than these types of specialty stores within developed markets. However, for developing markets the taboo is much less. There are many cultures where ingesting bugs is a mainstay of the food format, so in those places having a protein source coming from insects probably has a much lower hurdle. Companies like PepsiCo really owe it to think about sustainable ingredients that are relevant to a specific culture and population and make economic sense.
While bugs are considered a normal food staple in as many as 80% of countries around the world, Noma’s Nordic Food Lab believes that further due diligence is needed to understand the true impact of bug cultivation.