An axed Friends storyline has been revealed by a minor character in the show who was originally cast to be the woman that Chandler cheated on Monica with.
Matthew Perry's recent and sudden passing shocked the world and led to an outpour of love and support from those who worked with him on Friends and other TV shows and films that defined his career.
In a tribute to Matthew Perry's dedication to his work and role on Friends, a former co-star has revealed the storyline that Matthew insisted was scrapped from the show as he felt that it would not be in line with his character and would ruin the character for the fans of the show.
Lisa Cash was cast for an episode of Friends, Season 5, Episode 23 which was titled The One In Vegas - Part 1. The actress revealed that she was originally cast as the woman who Chandler has a brief dalliance with as he was supposed to cheat on Monica after finding out that she had lunch with her ex-boyfriend, Richard (played by Tom Selleck).

"So I came in as a guest star on Friends and I was super excited," Lisa told TMZ as she explained the storyline. "Basically the scene was, Chandler and Monica were arguing in Vegas about Monica having lunch with Richard and initially in our script, Chandler goes up to the hotel room, orders room service and I bring it up as the hotel worker and we end up talking and laughing and connecting and Chandler ends up cheating on Monica with my character."
"We had rehearsed it and everything and then the day before we ended up shooting in front of a live audience, I was told that [Perry] went to the writers and said the audience will never forgive him for cheating on Monica, which - he was probably right. That would have changed possibly the course of the show, and of his character," she said.

Although this was tough for the actress who was excited about her big break, Lisa could only praise the creators for giving her another role and Matthew Perry for making her feel so comfortable on set.
"They were so nice for not completely cutting me out of the episode, they gave me a co-starring role as a flight attendant with Ross and Rachel which was great too," she said. "I was new to the industry, and it could have been really intimidating for me ― like, Season 5 of Friends, and a scene with Matthew Perry! But I just felt so comfortable, and he was really likeable and welcoming and just made me feel at ease and I had fun! It was just really fun doing the scene with him."
Lisa added that it was a 'smart' decision and she thought that Matthew was right to stick up for his character and know that he wouldn't have made the decision to cheat.