“Success breeds complacency. Complacency breeds failure. Only the paranoid survive.”
Andy Grove
Koreans seem to believe that they are an entire country built around Andy Grove’s dictum that only the paranoid survive. Koreans use a phrase to try and talk themselves out of that - the odd sounding “the fine is fine” is constantly deployed to convince people to be satisfied with what they have. But people can’t help laughing when explaining the meaning of that phrase “we are never satisfied, we always want to do better.” One area in which Koreans are organized to do extraordinarily well is technology, with smart cities as a robust leading edge. “Either we maintain our lead in technology or we disappear,” as one executive told me.
Korea launched a Digital Infrastructure New Deal in the middle of 2020, an initiative that preceded the Biden Administration’s similar American Jobs Plan. In fact, this week’s visit by President Moon visit to the White House is meant to build a bridge between those two initiatives, highlighting Korea’s large investments in the U.S. (including $7.1 billion in lithium ion battery manufacturing), and punctuating a budding global partnership around smart city technology, hydrogen-powered green energy, and the roll-out of non-Chinese 5G applications.
I’ll be co-teaching a course at Seoul National University (SNU) this year with my friend Prof. Jun Seok Hwang - Smart Cities and High Technology Entrepreneurship - and so this week have been given a glimpse of Korea’s secret sauce in smart infrastructure, smart cities and technology innovation in general. It is eye-opening, and energizing, encompassing a broad and increasing deep innovation ecosystem - much of which is driven by SNU. For those unaware, SNU is one of the toughest admission tickets in the world - as one friend put it to me “my daughter graduated from Harvard, but she my not have gotten into SNU.”
What is a Smart City? Originally a Cisco marketing device, Korea has repurposed the phrase to describe the creation of an urban community in which technology is selected, designed and shaped - from the ground up - to give people control over their lives. This smart city concept is driving rapid and robust innovation, and it is doing so in exuberant Korea style.
As a simple example, I wrote this piece at SNU’s Siheung campus, in the center of one of Korea’s new smart city developments, where I have to lean into a monitor that takes my temperature - before I can enter an office; I look across the street at a complex and extraordinary university autonomous vehicle test track, driving innovation across trucking, bus and taxi autonomy; and just above the test track I stare at an eight story incubator, home to Smart Radar Systems - a start-up that uses radar at a cost 20% that of competing lidar systems to create level 5 vehicle autonomy.
Here are three lessons from Korea’s National Strategic Smart Cities Program, an initiative that is emerging as the most successful smart city program in the world, promising to serve 70 cities by 2030, to cover 60% of Korea’s population by 2040, and to drive a whole new generation of Korean exports.
Lesson 1: Collaborative Action Creates Strong Individual Value. Each of the three layers of the program - technology deployment, citizen-centered applications, and ecosystem innovation - is driven by what for any other country would be an unmanageable number of world class organizations, averaging 26 public, private and university participants organizations per layer. A total of 76 research institutes are involved across the three layer process. Unimaginably complex from the U.S. point of view, it is just common sense to Korea’s leaders. Just as Koreans put 30-40 dishes on the dinner table - where we have 3-4 dishes - they see the inclusion of strong variety, even more strongly expressed, as a strength. We do this - in describing mealtime - ‘so that each of us individually can create our own flavors,’ and it seems that that is also how they go about the other important initiatives in life.
Lesson 2: Organize At a Very High-Level Around Your Priorities. The whole program is run by cabinet agencies that have extraordinary authority when compared with their U.S. similars. Even more importantly, the names of these agencies seem to more precisely focus on their central purposes: the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport; the Ministry of Science and ICT; and the Korean Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement. The U.S. has nothing like this, and in fact ‘smart cities’ are buried deep in the bowels of the Department of Transportation.
As one SNU professor emphasized, ‘how can you do infrastructure without land? Universities like SNU, a key public good in Korea’s smart city initiative, take advantage of this view of land to fund themselves through a powerful value capture strategy. Not reliant on meager public sector budgets, the profits from developing the land around SNU’s new university campus is redeployed toward building one of the most most modern university campuses that I’ve seen. Professors in Korea - and I am not kidding - are said to be the most respected figures in the country. Fancy that!
Lesson 3: The Public and Private Sectors Work Better Together. Korea seems to have none of the public private antagonism that dominates U.S. discourse. Indeed many of Korea’s best university graduates choose careers in the public sector. This is somewhat shocking, the increasing sense in Korea, very different from the U.S., that - as one business owner told me - ‘the public sector creates the value’ for the rest of the country. The proof is in the pudding.
Whatever is happening, it is working. Korea is not only designing cities that are providing citizens with more control over their lives, but they are also beginning to create a broad and deep entrepreneurial ecosystem around smart cities. This is part of a long-term global strategy, and will create an entire export industry for their key companies - some of which are already famous, and some of which will soon be famous, including: Samsung C&T; Hyundai E&C; Daelim Industrial; GS E&C; Daewoo E&C; POSCO E&C; Hyundai Engineering; Lotte E&C; HDC (Hyundai Development Company); and Hoban Construction. These are all natural partners for the U.S. in competing with China’s Belt & Road Initiative, particularly given the strong and increasingly rich citizen-centered aesthetic.
Meeting Big Challenges with Big Vision. As with food, Korea is not a country that shies away from big risks and strong initiatives. A few things need to be ironed-out before the smart city strategy can go global. First, there is an enormous amount of data that Korea’s smart cities initiative will produce, and that must be commercialized. A platform needs to be created for that purpose, and Korea - small market - needs a large partner for that effort.
Second, given the reliance on citizens, and their data, how can Korea - or any other smart city - give citizens control over their data? Blockchain technology is clearly the solution. And in fact, one of the sponsors of SNU’s symposium on Strategic Infrastructure this week - timed to coincide with the Biden/Moon visit - is Reno-based Blockchains, a firm that sees the value of a partnership with Korea’s technology leaders.
Lastly, standardization is an enormous challenge, requiring immediate attention. China looms over this critical area that includes everything from intellectual property to protecting citizens from initiatives that - in our emerging Skynet world - will know everything there is about them, even before they know it. The U.S. and Korea should urgently tackle this area together.
The U.S. Korea Digital Infrastructure Partnership. Korea will build three hydrogen-powered cities by 2030, with the first one scheduled to come on line next year - 30% of the country is targeted to be powered by hydrogen in 2040; Korea also plans to have 1.13 million electric vehicles and 200,000 hydrogen cars on the road by 2025. While we continue to struggle with 5G the country is changing the name of its 5G Forum to the 6G Forum!
The Value of Resolve. Imagine that Washington, DC was only thirty miles from a nuclear armed enemy, and just 500 miles (the distance from Washington to Boston) from the capital of an emerging power with a population twenty times your own. Visiting the Republic of Korea, one gets an overwhelming sense of resolve and purpose, and of the magnificence of the human spirt. Korea is a country that had a GDP per capita in 1960 that was just $79, and is now a world leader in advanced technology - and in the application of that technology - with a per capita GDP over $30,000. Maybe the ‘fine is not fine,’ and its good to be paranoid.