The following story is going to dabble in speculation for The Flash. Please hop over to one of our other stories if you don’t want to even read fan theories about the upcoming movie.
Now that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 has made its way to movie theaters, and kicked off its weekend with a strong box office performance, comic book fans turn their attentions to the next superhero blockbuster on the 2023 Movie Release calendar, Andy Muschietti’s The Flash. The long-delayed solo Flash film starring Ezra Miller as Barry Allen will be racing toward theaters on June 16 (get it?), with early buzz on the film already going through the roof. Needless to say, because the movie has screened, fans has been sidestepping possible spoilers like landmines, but now one intriguing shot in a Japanese trailer has The Flash fans speculating on what it all might mean.
International trailers have been known to show additional footage that might not make it into a domestic cut of the teaser. But one image from the Japanese trailer for The Flash (as captured on Reddit) shows something coming off as Ezra Miller’s back, and fans are having a lot of fun figuring out what it might be.
First, here’s the shot:

The item that has fans curious is the attachment on Miller’s right shoulder. There are a number of guesses as to what it might be. But it has become a talking point among DC and The Flash fans because the item in question is NOT shown in the U.S. version of the trailer, in the same shot. Here’s the domestic shot:

One user immediately made a connection to Batman, who we know will be showcased in this movie. Twice, actually, with both Michael Keaton and Ben Affleck playing the Caped Crusader in the film.
Looks like the ear covering from his cowl--just my opinion though.
Another fan speculated that it was a type of weapon we don’t normally associate with The Flash, claiming:
I can see it as the tip of a sword.
Since when does The Flash use a sword? Heck, the latest The Flash trailer focused heavily on Michael Keaton’s version of Batman, and HE didn’t use a sword. Wonder Woman does. But she just showed up in Shazam: Fury of the Gods, so why would her sword be on Barry’s back? Also, people now speculate that Gal Gadot’s cameo was a deep fake. It wasn’t. Here, see for yourself:
You don’t have to wait too long to see The Flash, and find out what is showing up on Barry’s back. It’s the next upcoming DC movie along with Blue Beetle and Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom. And if all goes well, we expect sequel talk to quickly follow.