Very disappointed to see that the article on Eric Cantona failed to mention the wonderful film Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs (‘It just came out’: Eric Cantona reveals inspiration for 1995 seagulls comment, 27 March). Who could forget the Cantona-esque father figure Tim Lockwood, voiced by James Caan, whose dialogue and philosophy is based entirely on fishing metaphors, and his words of wisdom: “Not every sardine was meant to swim, son.”
Claire Whatley
Berwick St James, Wiltshire
• In the 1930s, my father was one of a group of musicians who played hymn music on the local hospital’s wards (Letters, 25 March). One Palm Sunday, they were playing “Ride on, ride on in majesty, in lowly pomp ride on to die” as a patient on a trolley was being wheeled out for emergency surgery. Dad could never sing that hymn afterwards without his shoulders shaking with laughter.
Audrey Boucher
Oakley, Hampshire
• I was impressed that, among all that is going on in the world, the most-read article on your website on 25 March was “I’m 60 – and want to live to 100. Will my years of drinking and inactivity be a problem?” Speaks volumes about Guardian readers.
Fenwick Kirton-Darling
Allendale, Northumberland
• But who is in charge of the deckchairs (Exit of two more Tory ministers forces Sunak into mini-reshuffle, 26 March)?
Jude Carr
• Do you have a photograph you’d like to share with Guardian readers? If so, please click here to upload it. A selection will be published in our Readers’ best photographs galleries and in the print edition on Saturdays.