The Finals Season 2 is upon us, and the biggest addition is a brand new game mode titled Power Shift, featuring the frantic action you've come to expect from the game but without so much tactical planning required.
While your focus in The Finals' other game modes is securing and extracting that cold hard cash, Power Shift takes a more direct approach to proceedings. With your team expanded from three to five players, you'll fight to take control of a massive floating turret, which will gradually move towards your goal as you dominate the main platform. The more players you have on board, the faster the platform travels, and if you get it to your end of the arena (or it's closest to your base when the time runs out) then victory is assured.
Focusing the action onto a single objective can leads to some breath-taking fights, particularly with the increased player count on both teams. Rather than having to consider the usual risks of cash extraction, you can throw caution to the wind in a tight combat zone, trying out new skills and approaches to keep the opposing team at bay. A single well-placed attack could be all you need to flush out the opposition, so you can claim the platform for yourself.
On top of all that, Power Shift is also a perfect way to showcase The Finals' already incredible destruction tech. The mobile turret platform has no problem smashing straight through buildings and any other obstacles as it moves through the arena, so be prepared for entire complexes collapsing around you as you duke it out.
Power Shift is fast-paced, frenetic, and pushes The Finals' action way beyond its previous limits, making this new game mode the perfect way to experience Season 2 and see all that it has to offer.