Throughout my years as a golf coach, a pupil regularly attends a lesson and is missing essential clubs in their bag. The addition of the right equipment can totally transform their game and add so much enjoyment into the equation. Could one of the following clubs be the missing link in your golf game?
Lofted Driver
Believe it or not, not everyone carries a driver. Deemed as hard to control and difficult to get airborne by many, often it’s omitted from the bag. Having one of the best women's drivers in your bag is essential if you are really going to enjoy playing on the golf course, especially when you first start out in this game: a driver adds big smiles and here’s why.
Many golf courses are long, in fact too long, and a course can be made to feel even more of a slog if a player only carries a 3-wood. Being fitted is of paramount importance and opting for more loft will only make it easier to achieve distance and accuracy.
A player who hits the ball high may assume they need less lift, but when custom fit, a golfer can saunter out of a fitting session with a club that has 12 degrees of loft and a shaft that’s got just the right kick point. A club matched to perfection will seriously transform the way you play this game. I believe the drive is the club that brings the most joy and if you don’t have one you’re missing out on the buzz that a soaring drive provides.

Heavenly Hybrids
Hybrids are easier to hit than irons for so many reasons. Golf is, let’s face it, a game of confidence, and hybrids help you to hit the ball. Many women haven’t jumped into these and still carry a 5-iron. Once you’ve got over how they look, you can relax in the knowledge that the lower centre of gravity helps you hit the ground under the ball.
This is much easier when escaping thicker semi-rough or in wet conditions. The smooth base of these weapons tends to glide through like a fairway wood rather than dig in as irons so often do. It’s not just women making this switch - my dad has a set of Cleveland HB launchers that are hybrid-esque and he’s not looked back. The era of the long iron is ending in favour of forgiveness and I’m all for it.
Jude Mackenzie from the Women’s Golf Lounge says “Changing to mostly hybrids really helped me. I have so much more confidence with them. It feels like cheating!” We have to make this game as easy as possible if we are to enjoy it. It’s a case of dropping the ego and replacing it with clubs that will do the job. Who cares what they look like.

Left-Handed Iron
Fiona Womack isn’t the first woman I’ve spoken to about having a left-handed club in your golf bag. For those long hitters who maybe sacrifice a smidge of accuracy for lengthy drives, having something to get you out of trouble is a brilliant idea.
“I’m a fairly long hitter but not very straight, so I can end up in all kinds of problems with trees and horrendous lies. I’ve been playing in matches where I know my opponent has thought they’d win the hole, but out comes my left-handed 7-iron and I knock the ball back into play. I usually win the hole because my opponent is so discombobulated,” says Fiona.
I’ve recommended one of the junior golfers I coach (who’s had back issues and swings it hard) to teach herself to hit left-handed for balance, as well as adaptability. Golf is a very one-sided game and to avoid injury or support recovery it’s important to swing the other way.
Fairway Woods Are Hitting New Heights
The super-lofted fairway wood is making a gentle comeback with brands such as Callaway, Ping and TaylorMade offering up to a 9-wood. A TaylorMade Qi35 9-wood offers 24.5 degrees of loft and would be akin to a 5-hybrid.
Often women prefer fairways woods over hybrids (some typical swing faults can be at work here such as lack of wrist hinge) and this makes it a great option to both a hybrid or a long iron. It’s so important to set your bag up with clubs you love, not clubs you feel you should have.
I’m a firm believer that most women carry far too many clubs they never use and if those clubs were removed it would leave room for some useful additions. Head professional at Salisbury and South Wilts Golf Club says, “Loft is indeed your friend when it comes to both drivers and fairway woods, a 3 wood may not always be the best choice when a 5-wood can be far friendlier and more versatile. Not all women love hybrids so a 9-wood is a great option. I’m seeing more and more of the brands realise this and the lofts available this year are much greater.”

Lovely Lob Wedges
Believe it or not, this game can be made easier with the equipment you choose, especially at the more lofted end of your bag. A decent lob wedge is many a woman’s bestie when it comes to escaping cavernous bunkers. I have taught many women who simply have their standard sand wedge and nothing more lofted.
Pauline Swarbrick from the Women’s Golf Lounge says, “My lob wedge is amazing for getting out of bunkers. It’s a work in progress around the greens, but I love it!”
My advice to Pauline is to trust that loft and practice popping balls up into an upturned umbrella. Using a lob wedge successfully comes down to confidence. Don’t try to help the ball in the air, as trust me, there’s enough loft on a 60-degree wedge to send it up your left nostril! Also have confidence in your ability to hit that sought after floaty number over a deep bunker for the ball to drop and stop on the green. The bounce on a decent series of wedges will far out perform your standard SW in your set.
A Putter Fit For A Golfing Goddess
You can’t play golf without a putter, but it’s usually the last thing women spend money on. I’d recommend not just making do with a hand-me-down. Invest in getting fitted properly for the club you use the most.
A putter that’s been made for you will evoke confidence and trust into your game. Linda Segerstam absolutely adores her Callaway Tungsten Black, “If I have a bad hole, as soon as I walk onto the green, it feels good to pick up that putter.” And they say you can’t buy confidence.

Chirpy Chippers
I’m a firm believer that anyone can be taught to chip well with the clubs they have in their bag. But not everyone has the time to invest in practicing the short game. Everyone is so busy these days that adding one of the best golf hippers into your bag really strips your short game back to a super simple putting action.
Anyone I know who has put a chipper in their bag feels a sense of relief that they have a club that is labelled with a job to do, almost taking the responsibility away from them. They therefore relax and the shot works. This is far more important than having to have a nervous breakdown with a wedge in hand and thinning it through the green. It doesn’t matter what you use or what anyone says, if that chipper means you score lower, then use the damn thing.

Of course, Mandy Davies has the best recommendation. “My favourite bit of kit is my sense of humour. I couldn’t play without it.” How true. I really hope this piece gives women free permission to rearrange their golf bags.
Kerry Pardoe has already done this. “I’ve got rid of my 5-wood called Florence and my 4-hybrid called Kaa and now have a beautiful 7-wood I call Lusty Seven, as it’s one of my deadliest weapons!” Don’t be scared to make changes. Take a look at your bags, peel back to what you use most often and maybe make room for a few clubs that might just be game-changers to your golf.