The story of Jesus began with a state census, so the current debate on disestablishment of the Church of England has a sense of deja vu (According to the census, we’re now a land of many faiths. There is no place for an established church, 30 November). Like the biblical census, this one is pregnant with unexpected possibilities.
As a paid-up Anglican and contributor to developing church leadership at both parish and national levels, I passionately believe that the C of E needs to commit not to argue or lobby for any place in a reformed legislature. Instead we should use our historic privilege to encourage the wider debate so badly needed about our inadequate national governance. For example, how many of those who took part in the census believe in a mainly appointed crony upper house with a side serving of aristocracy? Designing a new upper house cannot be entrusted wholly to party politicians, but bishops could only play a useful part if they eschew any claim to preserving their own place in the House of Lords.
If they did that, the country might even conclude that some modest multi-faith representation wasn’t a daft idea. Most likely we wouldn’t end up in that place, but you never know. What I do know, as a Christian, is that a church focused on entrenching historic privilege has lost touch with the historic Jesus and outlived its usefulness to the divine Christ.
Dr Douglas Board
Visiting professor, University of Chichester
• Simon Jenkins can’t have it both ways. If the response to declining Christian identity should be deinstitutionalisation of the Church of England, why should its assets be taken over by “town councils” and others? Church buildings represent so much more than a property portfolio. They are places of memory, of celebration, of heritage, and witnesses to the faith and energy of those who built and maintained them.
I agree with Jenkins on this: we need local solutions to the repurposing of a church building no longer required – or affordable – for worship. And churches across denominations should be coming together to think ahead with local partners and with local participation to determine new uses of these community assets for community benefit. And these uses should not exclude spaces for those seeking to explore faith, spirituality and meaning.
Rev Dr Lisa Curtice
• I was intrigued by the comments of Dr Scot Peterson, a scholar of religion and the state at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, who stated that having the king as head of an established church made better sense in 1650 (Calls grow to disestablish Church of England as Christians become minority, 29 November).
In 1649, parliament had cut off the king’s head and disestablished the church of England. I suspect that Dr Peterson may have found his comments strongly challenged in year one of the Commonwealth, the only time we have been a republic. Establishment made less sense then than today.
Right Rev Gregory K Cameron
Bishop of St Asaph (in the disestablished Church in Wales)
• While Charles III has already said that he will serve people “whatever may be your background and beliefs”, how will he and his archbishop of Canterbury square that with the coronation day oaths in a Church of England that still won’t marry same-sex couples?
Jackie Robertson
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication.